You mentioned that Jarh wa Ta'deel does not exist in this day and age?
"May Allah be good to you, dear eminent father, the questioner says: "You mentioned that Jarh wa Ta'deel does not exist in this day and age and some people understood from your speech that you don't hold the view of refuting the people of innovation and the opposers..."
"Jarh wa Ta'deel is not by committing backbiting and slander which are widespread at present, especially amongst some of the students of knowledge. Jarh wa Ta'deel, oh my brother, is from the science of the chain of narration in the Hadeeth, and this is from the expertise of the Imams and the scholars of Hadeeth. And we don't know anyone at present who is from the people of Jarh wa Ta'deel, meaning the knowledge of the chains of narration, and authenticating them and declaring them to be weak, we don't know anyone at present. This is what is intended. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"May Allah be good to you, dear eminent father, the questioner says: "You mentioned that Jarh wa Ta'deel does not exist in this day and age and some people understood from your speech that you don't hold the view of refuting the people of innovation and the opposers..."
"Jarh wa Ta'deel is not by committing backbiting and slander which are widespread at present, especially amongst some of the students of knowledge. Jarh wa Ta'deel, oh my brother, is from the science of the chain of narration in the Hadeeth, and this is from the expertise of the Imams and the scholars of Hadeeth. And we don't know anyone at present who is from the people of Jarh wa Ta'deel, meaning the knowledge of the chains of narration, and authenticating them and declaring them to be weak, we don't know anyone at present. This is what is intended. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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السؤال: أحسن الله إليكم سماحة الوالد، يقول السائل : قلتم بأن الجرح والتعديل لا يوجد في هذا الزمان ، وفهم بعض الناس من كلامكم أنكم لا ترون الرد على أهل البدع والمخالفين
الجواب: الجرح والتعديل ما هو بالغيبة والنميمة المتفشية الآن، خصوصاً بين بعض طلبة العلم، فالجرح والتعديل يا أخي من علم الإسناد في الحديث، وهذا من اختصاص الأئمة والمحدثين. ولا نعلم الآن من أهل الجرح والتعديل، يعني معرفة الأسانيد وتصحيحها وتضعيفها، ما نعلم أحد الآن، هذاالمقصود. نعم
الجواب: الجرح والتعديل ما هو بالغيبة والنميمة المتفشية الآن، خصوصاً بين بعض طلبة العلم، فالجرح والتعديل يا أخي من علم الإسناد في الحديث، وهذا من اختصاص الأئمة والمحدثين. ولا نعلم الآن من أهل الجرح والتعديل، يعني معرفة الأسانيد وتصحيحها وتضعيفها، ما نعلم أحد الآن، هذاالمقصود. نعم