What is the ruling of accepting the invitation of the Raafidah to weddings? And is the meat from animals slaughtered by them lawful?
“May Allah be good to you. The questioner says: What is the ruling of accepting the invitation of the Raafidah (Shia) to weddings? And is their slaughter (i.e. the meat from animals slaughtered by them) lawful?”
“Their slaughter, no. As for their invitation; if it is hoped that they repent and that they… this is from getting them to repent. Or that they are neighbours, the neighbour still has his right, if they are neighbours he invites them. Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: www.alfawzan.af.org.sa [Click here for screenshot in PDF format]
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“May Allah be good to you. The questioner says: What is the ruling of accepting the invitation of the Raafidah (Shia) to weddings? And is their slaughter (i.e. the meat from animals slaughtered by them) lawful?”
“Their slaughter, no. As for their invitation; if it is hoped that they repent and that they… this is from getting them to repent. Or that they are neighbours, the neighbour still has his right, if they are neighbours he invites them. Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: www.alfawzan.af.org.sa [Click here for screenshot in PDF format]
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
السؤال: ما حكم قبول دعوة الروافض للأعراس؟ وهل تحل ذبحتهم؟
الجواب: ذبحتهم لا، أما دعوتهم إذا كان يرجى إنهم يتوبون هذا من تأليفهم للتوبة، أو إنهم جيران، الجار له حق بعد، إذا كانوا جيران يدعوهم.
الجواب: ذبحتهم لا، أما دعوتهم إذا كان يرجى إنهم يتوبون هذا من تأليفهم للتوبة، أو إنهم جيران، الجار له حق بعد، إذا كانوا جيران يدعوهم.