What are the best methods in reading the books and writings of the Imams of the Da’wah?
“Ahsan Allahu ilayk. What are the best methods in reading the books and writings of the Imams of the Da’wah?”
“All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. To continue…
Firstly, it is necessary to keep to the order which is indicated by the scholars. It is necessary to study the writings bit by bit, and to begin with the small writings, and then bigger and bigger, according to the situation. And thereby it is necessary that one takes from an ‘alim (scholar) who understands the words of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah-salafiyyah, and explains and clarifies them.
It is correct that the knowledge is present, and perhaps one can attain some understanding, but an ‘alim is necessary. And the best regarding this is the speech of (Imam) Ash-Shaatibee (رحمه الله), he said:
“The knowledge was in the hearts of men. Subsequently, it appeared on the inside of the books. But its keys remain in the hands of men.”
The knowledge is present in the books, but who makes you understand these books; this is not possible without a well-grounded ‘alim. And today you see many people who ascribe themselves to da’wah and they base themselves on the words of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, and he is mistaken in this. Whether in takfir, or in rebelling against the leaders, or whether in the slandering of the madhaahib, or whether, or whether… He brings proof from the words he does not understand, does not know, and he did not study these books and writings of the da’wah with the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, who are known for that.
You see that he makes mistakes in his understanding and deviates and causes (others to) deviate. It is mandatory to take knowledge from its people; those who understand it. Because if in the Qur’an, there are Muhkam (clear) and Mutashaabih (ambiguous):
{It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad, صلى الله عليه و سلم) the Book (this Qur'an). In it are Verses that are entirely clear (muhkamaat), they are the foundations of the Book; and others not entirely clear (mutashaabihaat).} [Surah Aal-’Imraan 3:7]
Allah says to the people that the Qur’an has Muhkam and Mutashaabih.
The Khawaarij based themselves on what? The Qur’an! And they deviated because they didn’t take the Qur’an according to the understanding of the Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم). They didn’t ask the Sahaba; they understood it the way they wanted, with regards to the ayaat of kufr or the ayaat regarding al-Haakimiyyah, and such. And they based themselves on judgments from their own selves without returning back to the Sahaaba. This is taking the mutashaabih and leaving the muhkam verses, and leaving off returning to those who are grounded in knowledge. And also the Sunnah contains muhkam and mutashaabih. Likewise the words of the ‘ulamah contain muhkam and mutashaabih. The words of Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah contain muhkam and mutashaabih. The words of the Imams of the Da’wah contain muhkam and mutashaabih.
It is therefore not befitting that you take every statement and say that this is the understanding. The affair is not like this. It is necessary that you return back to the people of knowledge, so that they will show you the places where their words are clear and the places where their words are unclear. They bring the mutashaabih back to the muhkam and make them understand. The concern for the books of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, the books of the da’wah Salafiyyah, in it there is light and guidance for the Muslim. However, it is necessary that this takes place with the ‘ulamah; they explain to you what you can take and they know the correct explanation of the words of the people of knowledge.
Shaykh Saalih bin 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Salafi-Dawah.com.
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“Ahsan Allahu ilayk. What are the best methods in reading the books and writings of the Imams of the Da’wah?”
“All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. To continue…
Firstly, it is necessary to keep to the order which is indicated by the scholars. It is necessary to study the writings bit by bit, and to begin with the small writings, and then bigger and bigger, according to the situation. And thereby it is necessary that one takes from an ‘alim (scholar) who understands the words of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah-salafiyyah, and explains and clarifies them.
It is correct that the knowledge is present, and perhaps one can attain some understanding, but an ‘alim is necessary. And the best regarding this is the speech of (Imam) Ash-Shaatibee (رحمه الله), he said:
“The knowledge was in the hearts of men. Subsequently, it appeared on the inside of the books. But its keys remain in the hands of men.”
The knowledge is present in the books, but who makes you understand these books; this is not possible without a well-grounded ‘alim. And today you see many people who ascribe themselves to da’wah and they base themselves on the words of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, and he is mistaken in this. Whether in takfir, or in rebelling against the leaders, or whether in the slandering of the madhaahib, or whether, or whether… He brings proof from the words he does not understand, does not know, and he did not study these books and writings of the da’wah with the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, who are known for that.
You see that he makes mistakes in his understanding and deviates and causes (others to) deviate. It is mandatory to take knowledge from its people; those who understand it. Because if in the Qur’an, there are Muhkam (clear) and Mutashaabih (ambiguous):
{It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad, صلى الله عليه و سلم) the Book (this Qur'an). In it are Verses that are entirely clear (muhkamaat), they are the foundations of the Book; and others not entirely clear (mutashaabihaat).} [Surah Aal-’Imraan 3:7]
Allah says to the people that the Qur’an has Muhkam and Mutashaabih.
The Khawaarij based themselves on what? The Qur’an! And they deviated because they didn’t take the Qur’an according to the understanding of the Sahaba (رضي الله عنهم). They didn’t ask the Sahaba; they understood it the way they wanted, with regards to the ayaat of kufr or the ayaat regarding al-Haakimiyyah, and such. And they based themselves on judgments from their own selves without returning back to the Sahaaba. This is taking the mutashaabih and leaving the muhkam verses, and leaving off returning to those who are grounded in knowledge. And also the Sunnah contains muhkam and mutashaabih. Likewise the words of the ‘ulamah contain muhkam and mutashaabih. The words of Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah contain muhkam and mutashaabih. The words of the Imams of the Da’wah contain muhkam and mutashaabih.
It is therefore not befitting that you take every statement and say that this is the understanding. The affair is not like this. It is necessary that you return back to the people of knowledge, so that they will show you the places where their words are clear and the places where their words are unclear. They bring the mutashaabih back to the muhkam and make them understand. The concern for the books of the ‘ulamah of the da’wah, the books of the da’wah Salafiyyah, in it there is light and guidance for the Muslim. However, it is necessary that this takes place with the ‘ulamah; they explain to you what you can take and they know the correct explanation of the words of the people of knowledge.
Shaykh Saalih bin 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Salafi-Dawah.com.
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