Up until what age is a father allowed to see the ‘awrah of his daughter?
"At what age is a father allowed to see the ‘awrah of his daughter and the mother of her son?"
"The Shaykh hafidhullaah went on to say that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa alaa alihi wasalaam said: “order your children to pray at seven and hit them at ten.[1] And as for the women (the translator mentioned that he was not sure if this is a hadeeth or not) in the sharh (legislation), the girl is considered a woman after nine so looking at the private parts of the children after seven is not permissible for the man to look at his daughter or for the mother to look at her son."
[1] Reported by Abû Daawud in Kitaab as-Salaat (#495) authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee rahimahullaah in Irwaa-ul-Ghaleel (#298)
Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Ghudayyaan, may Allah have mercy upon him
Source: Questions and Answers Session, on the 4th of June, 2005.
"At what age is a father allowed to see the ‘awrah of his daughter and the mother of her son?"
"The Shaykh hafidhullaah went on to say that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa alaa alihi wasalaam said: “order your children to pray at seven and hit them at ten.[1] And as for the women (the translator mentioned that he was not sure if this is a hadeeth or not) in the sharh (legislation), the girl is considered a woman after nine so looking at the private parts of the children after seven is not permissible for the man to look at his daughter or for the mother to look at her son."
[1] Reported by Abû Daawud in Kitaab as-Salaat (#495) authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee rahimahullaah in Irwaa-ul-Ghaleel (#298)
Shaykh 'Abdullah Al-Ghudayyaan, may Allah have mercy upon him
Source: Questions and Answers Session, on the 4th of June, 2005.