They are Mujahidun in the way of the Shaytaan!
"May Allah preserve You! What is Your advice to the one who is being influenced by the Khawaarij of this era, defends them and calls them warriors (Mujahidun)? Likewise he does not accept the speech of the major scholars nor their advice."
"It is obligatory upon the person to fear Allah in himself and to be cautious not to fall into affairs which destroy and humiliate him. And as for these people being warriors, then yes, they are warriors but in the way of the Shaytaan. They are warriors in the way of the Shaytaan. Thus the person has to be cautious not to be deceived by these people and he has to be cautious not to speak ill of the truth and the scholars who clarify the truth. Yes."
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"May Allah preserve You! What is Your advice to the one who is being influenced by the Khawaarij of this era, defends them and calls them warriors (Mujahidun)? Likewise he does not accept the speech of the major scholars nor their advice."
"It is obligatory upon the person to fear Allah in himself and to be cautious not to fall into affairs which destroy and humiliate him. And as for these people being warriors, then yes, they are warriors but in the way of the Shaytaan. They are warriors in the way of the Shaytaan. Thus the person has to be cautious not to be deceived by these people and he has to be cautious not to speak ill of the truth and the scholars who clarify the truth. Yes."
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
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السؤال: حفظك الله ما نصيحتكم لمن يتأثر بخوارج العصر ويدافع عنهم ويسميهم بأنهم مجاهدون؟ كذلك هذا لا يأخذ بأقوال أكابرالعلماء وتوجيهاتهم
الجواب: الواجب على الأنسان أن يتقي الله في نفسه وأن يعني أن يحذر أن يقع يعني في أمور ترديه وتذله وهؤلاء يعني كونهم مجاهدون نعم مجاهدون ولكن في سبيل الشيطان. هم مجاهدون في سبيل الشيطان. فالإنسان يحذر أن يغتر يعني بهؤلاء ويحذر أن يتكلم في الحق و في العلماء الذين يبينون الحق. نعم
الجواب: الواجب على الأنسان أن يتقي الله في نفسه وأن يعني أن يحذر أن يقع يعني في أمور ترديه وتذله وهؤلاء يعني كونهم مجاهدون نعم مجاهدون ولكن في سبيل الشيطان. هم مجاهدون في سبيل الشيطان. فالإنسان يحذر أن يغتر يعني بهؤلاء ويحذر أن يتكلم في الحق و في العلماء الذين يبينون الحق. نعم