There is no woman who takes off her clothes in a place other than her own house, except that she has torn the veil between her and Allah.
“Is the following narration (hadeeth) authentic?: “There is no woman who takes off her clothes in a place other than her own house, except that she has torn the veil between her and Allah.” What is the meaning of this narration? Is this narration applicable to those women who take off their clothes in changing rooms?”
“This narration is authentic and is related by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim, on the authority of ‘Aaisha (رضي الله عنها). The meaning here is that she has removed her clothing and as such became naked. And uncovering is permitted in certain circumstances, like when performing the full body washing (ghusl), and it is forbidden in situations where someone is present who can see the ‘awrah or can see that which is not permitted for him.
The scholars have explained this narration to mean that the woman removes her clothing with someone other than her husband. And here “who takes off her clothes in a place other than her own house” is used as a metaphor in order to clarify which was just mentioned. This becomes clear in another narration in the sunnan and al-Haakim, which states: “in another house, than that of her husband”
With regards to the woman who takes off her clothing in changing rooms, than it is known that this does not lead to showing the most private parts of her ‘awrah. However, it is not desirable for the Muslim woman to do this. (And this is) because changing rooms are not safe, since there could be cameras or a window for spectators. And the female employees in these shops are in general not very religious. Their main concern is money. And this is why it can occur that these employees conspire with some immoral people in order to sell them nude pictures. The reports about this are numerous and dreadful.
And if someone still wants to try on clothing, then you can bring those in charge (to your) home, even if this might cost some extra money. Yet one still needs to be on guard. The immoral men and women nowadays, excel in plotting in order to achieve evil.
We ask Allah for forgiveness and wellbeing. And Allah Knows best.”
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman bin Naasir al-Barrak, may Allah preserve him
Translated by
“Is the following narration (hadeeth) authentic?: “There is no woman who takes off her clothes in a place other than her own house, except that she has torn the veil between her and Allah.” What is the meaning of this narration? Is this narration applicable to those women who take off their clothes in changing rooms?”
“This narration is authentic and is related by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajah and al-Haakim, on the authority of ‘Aaisha (رضي الله عنها). The meaning here is that she has removed her clothing and as such became naked. And uncovering is permitted in certain circumstances, like when performing the full body washing (ghusl), and it is forbidden in situations where someone is present who can see the ‘awrah or can see that which is not permitted for him.
The scholars have explained this narration to mean that the woman removes her clothing with someone other than her husband. And here “who takes off her clothes in a place other than her own house” is used as a metaphor in order to clarify which was just mentioned. This becomes clear in another narration in the sunnan and al-Haakim, which states: “in another house, than that of her husband”
With regards to the woman who takes off her clothing in changing rooms, than it is known that this does not lead to showing the most private parts of her ‘awrah. However, it is not desirable for the Muslim woman to do this. (And this is) because changing rooms are not safe, since there could be cameras or a window for spectators. And the female employees in these shops are in general not very religious. Their main concern is money. And this is why it can occur that these employees conspire with some immoral people in order to sell them nude pictures. The reports about this are numerous and dreadful.
And if someone still wants to try on clothing, then you can bring those in charge (to your) home, even if this might cost some extra money. Yet one still needs to be on guard. The immoral men and women nowadays, excel in plotting in order to achieve evil.
We ask Allah for forgiveness and wellbeing. And Allah Knows best.”
Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman bin Naasir al-Barrak, may Allah preserve him
Translated by
حديث: "ما من امرأة وضعت ثيابها في غير بيتها إلا هتكت سترا بينها وبين الله عز وجل" هل هو صحيح؟ وما المقصود به؟ وهل يدخل فيه خلع المرأة ثيابها في غرف القياس في المحلات التجارية؟
الحديث صحيح، وقد رواه الإمام أحمد في مسنده والترمذي وابن ماجه والحاكم عن عائشة رضي الله عنها، ومعنى (خلعت ثيابها) أي تجردت من ثيابها وأصبحت عريانة، والتعري يجوز في أحوال كالاغتسال، ويحرم في أحوال كما إذا كان هناك من ينظر إلى العورة أو ينظر إلى مالا يحل له، وقد فسر العلماء هذا الحديث بخلع المرأة ثيابها عند غير زوجها، وكني عن ذلك بخلع ثيابها في غير بيتها، ويوضح ذلك رواية السنن والحاكم "في غير بيت زوجها"، وأما خلع المرأة ثيابها في غرف القياس في المحلات، فمعلوم أنه لايصل فيه الخلع إلى كشف العورة المغلظة، ومع هذا فلا ينبغي للمرأة المسلمة أن تفعل ذلك؛ لأن غرف القياس غير مأمونة من وجود عدسة تصوير أو نافذة لعين ناظر، والعاملات في المحلات والمشاغل لسن من ذوات الدين في الغالب، وهمهن الأكبر المال، فلا يؤمن أن يتواطأن مع بعض الفجرة ولو ببيع الصور العارية، والأخبار في هذا كثيرة ومفزعة، وإذا كان لابد من قياس الملابس فليؤت بالمختصة إلى البيت ولو أدى إلى زيادة الأجرة مع بالغ الحذر، وقد تفنن الفجرة والفاجرات في الحيل للوصول إلى سيء الغايات، نسأل الله العفو والعافية،
والله أعلم.
الحديث صحيح، وقد رواه الإمام أحمد في مسنده والترمذي وابن ماجه والحاكم عن عائشة رضي الله عنها، ومعنى (خلعت ثيابها) أي تجردت من ثيابها وأصبحت عريانة، والتعري يجوز في أحوال كالاغتسال، ويحرم في أحوال كما إذا كان هناك من ينظر إلى العورة أو ينظر إلى مالا يحل له، وقد فسر العلماء هذا الحديث بخلع المرأة ثيابها عند غير زوجها، وكني عن ذلك بخلع ثيابها في غير بيتها، ويوضح ذلك رواية السنن والحاكم "في غير بيت زوجها"، وأما خلع المرأة ثيابها في غرف القياس في المحلات، فمعلوم أنه لايصل فيه الخلع إلى كشف العورة المغلظة، ومع هذا فلا ينبغي للمرأة المسلمة أن تفعل ذلك؛ لأن غرف القياس غير مأمونة من وجود عدسة تصوير أو نافذة لعين ناظر، والعاملات في المحلات والمشاغل لسن من ذوات الدين في الغالب، وهمهن الأكبر المال، فلا يؤمن أن يتواطأن مع بعض الفجرة ولو ببيع الصور العارية، والأخبار في هذا كثيرة ومفزعة، وإذا كان لابد من قياس الملابس فليؤت بالمختصة إلى البيت ولو أدى إلى زيادة الأجرة مع بالغ الحذر، وقد تفنن الفجرة والفاجرات في الحيل للوصول إلى سيء الغايات، نسأل الله العفو والعافية،
والله أعلم.