The fault lies not in the beard
There is no sin on the beard. If you see someone with a beard lying, if you see someone with a beard cheating and if you see someone with a beard stealing, then know that the fault lies not in the beard. The fault lies in the person carrying the beard.
As for the beard itself, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is from the signs of natural disposition (the Fitrah) and it is also from the traits of the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon him and his followers, which he, may the peace and blessings be upon him, has commanded with and obligated.
What I mean by that is, if you see from amongst those who have a beard, someone who is not upright and someone who is not trustworthy, then that is still not an excuse for you to shave off your beard. And Allah is the One from Whom aid is sought.
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Ijaabat-us-Saa'il, page 222.
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As for the beard itself, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is from the signs of natural disposition (the Fitrah) and it is also from the traits of the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon him and his followers, which he, may the peace and blessings be upon him, has commanded with and obligated.
What I mean by that is, if you see from amongst those who have a beard, someone who is not upright and someone who is not trustworthy, then that is still not an excuse for you to shave off your beard. And Allah is the One from Whom aid is sought.
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Ijaabat-us-Saa'il, page 222.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
قال الشيخ مقبل الوادعي رحمه الله تعالى:
اللحية ليس لها ذنب.
إذا رأيت صاحب لحية كذَّابــــــاً
وإذا رأيت صاحب لحية خائنا
وإذا رأيت صاحب لحية سارقـــــاً
العيب ليس فى اللحية، العيب فى صاحب اللحية!!
أمَّا اللحية ليس عليها عيب، وهى من خِصال الفطرة وهى أيضاً من سُنَنِ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم التى أمر بها وأوجبها.
فأقصد أنَّ هـذا ما يُبَرِّرُ لك أن تحلق لحيتك إذا رأيتَ من أهل اللُّحَى مَنْ لا يستقيم ومن لا يُؤْتَمَنُ، والله المستعان.
إجابة السائل ص: ٢٢٢
اللحية ليس لها ذنب.
إذا رأيت صاحب لحية كذَّابــــــاً
وإذا رأيت صاحب لحية خائنا
وإذا رأيت صاحب لحية سارقـــــاً
العيب ليس فى اللحية، العيب فى صاحب اللحية!!
أمَّا اللحية ليس عليها عيب، وهى من خِصال الفطرة وهى أيضاً من سُنَنِ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم التى أمر بها وأوجبها.
فأقصد أنَّ هـذا ما يُبَرِّرُ لك أن تحلق لحيتك إذا رأيتَ من أهل اللُّحَى مَنْ لا يستقيم ومن لا يُؤْتَمَنُ، والله المستعان.
إجابة السائل ص: ٢٢٢