The difference between declaring specified and unspecified people as disbelievers
"What is the difference between describing with disbelief (describing unspecified people as disbelievers based on their actions) and declaring and holding a specific individual to be a disbeliever?"
"As for ruling with disbelief on actions (acts of worship) such as invoking other than Allah, offering sacrifices for other than Allah, seeking deliverance from other than Allah, mocking the religion and cursing the religion, then this is without a doubt disbelief by consensus (Ijmaa').
But as for the (specific) individual from whom this act occurs in the complex (hidden) affairs (Umoor (Masaail) Khafiyyah)[1] then his case needs to be closer examined; for if he is ignorant, has fallen into mistaken inference (Ta'weel) or is a blind follower, then the ruling with disbelief is averted until the affair is clarified to him, because it could be that he has a doubt (or misconception) or that he is ignorant, and thus one should not rush to make Takfeer on him until the proof has been established on him. Once the proof has been established on him and he still continues to be upon what he is upon, then one rules him with disbelief, because he no longer has an excuse.
And similarly in a clear issue such as the prohibition of Shirk and the prohibition of Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), Riba (usury/interest) and Khamr (intoxicant), whoever deems them to be lawful disbelieves."[2]
Footnotes by translator:
[1] For more information regarding the difference between the clear and the complex issues please refer to the following articles:
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: From the book "Ithaaf Al-Afaadhil bi Sharh Risaalah Ad-Dalaail fee Hukm Muwaalaat Ahl Al-Ishraak, the new edition of 1432 Hijri, page 271-272. For a scan of the bookcover click here, page 271 click here and page 272 click here.
The noble Shaykh Saalih A-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him states at the beginning of the book in which he gives his permission for it to be printed: "And I renew my permission for him (meaning the noble brother Muhammad Ibn Fahd Al-Husain) to reprint it after the correction and the additional commentaries, and Allah is the One Who grants success. Written by Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan on 21/7/1432." For a scan of this introduction click here.
"What is the difference between describing with disbelief (describing unspecified people as disbelievers based on their actions) and declaring and holding a specific individual to be a disbeliever?"
"As for ruling with disbelief on actions (acts of worship) such as invoking other than Allah, offering sacrifices for other than Allah, seeking deliverance from other than Allah, mocking the religion and cursing the religion, then this is without a doubt disbelief by consensus (Ijmaa').
But as for the (specific) individual from whom this act occurs in the complex (hidden) affairs (Umoor (Masaail) Khafiyyah)[1] then his case needs to be closer examined; for if he is ignorant, has fallen into mistaken inference (Ta'weel) or is a blind follower, then the ruling with disbelief is averted until the affair is clarified to him, because it could be that he has a doubt (or misconception) or that he is ignorant, and thus one should not rush to make Takfeer on him until the proof has been established on him. Once the proof has been established on him and he still continues to be upon what he is upon, then one rules him with disbelief, because he no longer has an excuse.
And similarly in a clear issue such as the prohibition of Shirk and the prohibition of Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), Riba (usury/interest) and Khamr (intoxicant), whoever deems them to be lawful disbelieves."[2]
Footnotes by translator:
[1] For more information regarding the difference between the clear and the complex issues please refer to the following articles:
- Is there excuse for ignorance in matters of 'Aqeedah?
- Being excused for not knowing the principles and rulings of Islam
- Individual takfeer can be made in clear matters without returning back to the scholars
- Are the graveworshippers disbelievers even before the establishment of the proof?
- Is Takfeer for everyone including the Beginners among the Students of Knowledge, or is it confined to the Senior Scholars alone?
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: From the book "Ithaaf Al-Afaadhil bi Sharh Risaalah Ad-Dalaail fee Hukm Muwaalaat Ahl Al-Ishraak, the new edition of 1432 Hijri, page 271-272. For a scan of the bookcover click here, page 271 click here and page 272 click here.
The noble Shaykh Saalih A-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him states at the beginning of the book in which he gives his permission for it to be printed: "And I renew my permission for him (meaning the noble brother Muhammad Ibn Fahd Al-Husain) to reprint it after the correction and the additional commentaries, and Allah is the One Who grants success. Written by Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan on 21/7/1432." For a scan of this introduction click here.
Recommended reading: ضوابط تكفير المعين عند شيخي الإسلام ابن تيمية وابن عبد الوهاب وعلماء الدعوة الإصلاحية
السؤال: ما الفرق بين الوصف بالكفر والحكم على المعين بالكفر والإعتقاد بكفر المعين؟
جواب الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله: أما الحكم بالكفر على الأعمال كدعاء غير الله والذبح لغير الله والاستغاثة بغير الله والاستهزاء بالدين ومسبة الدين : هذا كفر بالإجماع بلا شك لكن الشخص الذي يصدر منه هذا الفعل في الأمور الخفية هذا يتأمل فيه فإن كان جاهلا أو كان متأولا أو مقلدا فيدرأ عنه الكفر حتى يبين له لأنه قد يكون عنده شبهة أو عنده جهل فلا يتسرع في إطلاق الكفر عليه حتى تقام عليه الحجة فإذا أقيمت عليه الحجة واستمر على ماهو عليه فإنه يحكم عليه بالكفر لأنه ليس له عذر وكذلك الأمر الظاهر مثل تحريم الشرك وتحريم الزنا والربا والخمر من استباحها فإنه يكفر
من كتاب إتحاف الأفاضل بشرح رسالة الدلائل صفحة ٢٧٢ طبعة عام ١٤٣٢ و كتب الشيخ صالح صالح الفوزان في أول الكتاب لهذه الطبعة الجديدة: وأجدد الأذن له –أي للأخ محمد بن فهد الحصين –بإعادة طبعها بعد التصحيح وزيادة التعليقات والله الموفق
جواب الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله: أما الحكم بالكفر على الأعمال كدعاء غير الله والذبح لغير الله والاستغاثة بغير الله والاستهزاء بالدين ومسبة الدين : هذا كفر بالإجماع بلا شك لكن الشخص الذي يصدر منه هذا الفعل في الأمور الخفية هذا يتأمل فيه فإن كان جاهلا أو كان متأولا أو مقلدا فيدرأ عنه الكفر حتى يبين له لأنه قد يكون عنده شبهة أو عنده جهل فلا يتسرع في إطلاق الكفر عليه حتى تقام عليه الحجة فإذا أقيمت عليه الحجة واستمر على ماهو عليه فإنه يحكم عليه بالكفر لأنه ليس له عذر وكذلك الأمر الظاهر مثل تحريم الشرك وتحريم الزنا والربا والخمر من استباحها فإنه يكفر
من كتاب إتحاف الأفاضل بشرح رسالة الدلائل صفحة ٢٧٢ طبعة عام ١٤٣٢ و كتب الشيخ صالح صالح الفوزان في أول الكتاب لهذه الطبعة الجديدة: وأجدد الأذن له –أي للأخ محمد بن فهد الحصين –بإعادة طبعها بعد التصحيح وزيادة التعليقات والله الموفق