Statement regarding the Westminster terror attack
The noble Shaykh Sulaymān Ar-Ruhaylī, may Allāh preserve him, stated regarding the Westminster terror attack on the 22nd of March 2017:
“SubhānAllāh (How Perfect is Allāh)!
The crime which took place in Britain is rejected by the clear and unambiguous Islamic texts. It is disapproved by the natural dispositions and included several atrocities.
So may Allāh strongly condemn whomsoever claims that Islām calls towards this evil crime!”
Source: His official Twitter account: @solyman24 • 7:11 pm • 23 Mar 2017. [Click here for screenshot of tweet in PDF format]
“SubhānAllāh (How Perfect is Allāh)!
The crime which took place in Britain is rejected by the clear and unambiguous Islamic texts. It is disapproved by the natural dispositions and included several atrocities.
So may Allāh strongly condemn whomsoever claims that Islām calls towards this evil crime!”
Source: His official Twitter account: @solyman24 • 7:11 pm • 23 Mar 2017. [Click here for screenshot of tweet in PDF format]
يقول الشيخ سليمان الرحيلي حفظه الله في حسابه الرسمي في تويتر: سبحان الله جريمة بريطانيا تردها محكمات الشريعة وتستقبحها الفطر السليمة وتضمنت جرائم عديدة فقبح الله من يزعم أن هذا الإجرام يدعو إليه الإسلام!