Some priorities for the successful student of knowledge
A student of knowledge has to be very careful when it comes to this chapter (the chapter of Jarh wa Ta'deel), fear it a great deal and distance himself from it at the beginning stage of his seeking knowledge because this chapter is a chapter which's path is rough to traverse upon and extremely difficult to climb.
Therefore from the sign that a student of knowledge has been granted success from the very start is that he busies himself with the memorization of the mutoon (texts) from the various sciences of Islam and devotes himself to them by way of memorization, understanding, studying, revising and other than that.
And from the sign that he hasn't been granted success is that he busies himself with the likes of these chapters at the beginning of his quest in gaining knowledge.
Shaykh ‘Abdus-Salām Ibn Barjis Āl 'Abdel-Karīm, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Tasneefu-n-naas, page 60.
Therefore from the sign that a student of knowledge has been granted success from the very start is that he busies himself with the memorization of the mutoon (texts) from the various sciences of Islam and devotes himself to them by way of memorization, understanding, studying, revising and other than that.
And from the sign that he hasn't been granted success is that he busies himself with the likes of these chapters at the beginning of his quest in gaining knowledge.
Shaykh ‘Abdus-Salām Ibn Barjis Āl 'Abdel-Karīm, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Tasneefu-n-naas, page 60.
قال الشيخ عبدالسلام البرجس رحمه الله :" وينبغي لطالب العلم أن يحترز من هذا الباب(باب الجرح والتعديل) وأن يخشاه خشية عظيمة، وأن يبتعد عنه أول طلبه للعلم لأن هذا الباب باب وعر المسلك صعب المرتقى فعلامة توفيق طالب العلم في أول أمره أن يشتغل بحفظ المتون العلمية وأن يقبل عليها حفظاً، وفهما ، ودراسة، وتكريرا، ونحو ذلك
وعلامة عدم توفيقه أن يشتغل بهذه الأبواب في أول الطلب
(60) تصنيف الناس
وعلامة عدم توفيقه أن يشتغل بهذه الأبواب في أول الطلب
(60) تصنيف الناس