Some of the present day students of knowledge say that those who regard as disbelievers the ones who make Tawāf around the graves are Takfīris
"Virtuous Shaykh, may Allāh grant You success, the questioner says: "Some of the present day students of knowledge say that those who make takfīr on (regard as disbelievers) the ones who make Tawāf (circumambulate) around the graves are Takfīris, because it could be that the one who makes Tawāf around the grave is insane, and what is correct is that no one is to be made takfīr of (declared a disbeliever) until the conditions are met and the impediments are absent, is the like of this speech correct?"
"This is the speech of the Murji’ah! This is the speech of the Murji’ah, and (furthermore) the scholars have not said that the one who makes Tawāf around the graves disbelieves without exception, but they distinguish in this regard. They say that if he makes Tawāf with the intention of seeking nearness to Allāh and believes that making Tawāf around the grave is permissible, then this one is misguided, and he is not a disbeliever. He is not a disbeliever, he is wrong. However if he makes Tawāf around the grave and intends seeking nearness to the dead (person in the grave), then this is major shirk, because Tawāf is an act of worship, and it is not befitting except for Allāh. And so they (the scholars) distinguish in this regard. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"Virtuous Shaykh, may Allāh grant You success, the questioner says: "Some of the present day students of knowledge say that those who make takfīr on (regard as disbelievers) the ones who make Tawāf (circumambulate) around the graves are Takfīris, because it could be that the one who makes Tawāf around the grave is insane, and what is correct is that no one is to be made takfīr of (declared a disbeliever) until the conditions are met and the impediments are absent, is the like of this speech correct?"
"This is the speech of the Murji’ah! This is the speech of the Murji’ah, and (furthermore) the scholars have not said that the one who makes Tawāf around the graves disbelieves without exception, but they distinguish in this regard. They say that if he makes Tawāf with the intention of seeking nearness to Allāh and believes that making Tawāf around the grave is permissible, then this one is misguided, and he is not a disbeliever. He is not a disbeliever, he is wrong. However if he makes Tawāf around the grave and intends seeking nearness to the dead (person in the grave), then this is major shirk, because Tawāf is an act of worship, and it is not befitting except for Allāh. And so they (the scholars) distinguish in this regard. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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السائل:فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول السائل : بعض طلبة العلم المعاصرين يقولون إن الذين يكفرون الذين يطوفون على القبور تكفيريون لأنه قد يكون الذي يطوف على القبر مجنونا والصحيح أنه لا يكفر أحد حتى تثبت الشروط وتنتفي الموانع هل مثل هذا الكلام صحيح
الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله: هذا كلام المرجئة، هذا كلام المرجئة؛ ولم يقل العلماء إن الذي يطوف بالقبور يكفر على الإطلاق بل يفصلون في هذا يقولون إن كان يطوف بنية التقرب إلى الله ويظن أن الطواف على القبر جائز فهذا ضال وليس بكافر ، ليس بكافر ، مخطئ، وأما إذا كان يطوف بالقبر يقصد التقرب إلى الميت فهذا شرك أكبر لأن الطواف عبادة ولا تصلح إلا لله، فهم يفصلون في هذا ، نعم
الشيخ الفوزان حفظه الله: هذا كلام المرجئة، هذا كلام المرجئة؛ ولم يقل العلماء إن الذي يطوف بالقبور يكفر على الإطلاق بل يفصلون في هذا يقولون إن كان يطوف بنية التقرب إلى الله ويظن أن الطواف على القبر جائز فهذا ضال وليس بكافر ، ليس بكافر ، مخطئ، وأما إذا كان يطوف بالقبر يقصد التقرب إلى الميت فهذا شرك أكبر لأن الطواف عبادة ولا تصلح إلا لله، فهم يفصلون في هذا ، نعم