Oh my son! Be eager in spreading knowledge!
Indeed, a man from the common people advised me. He said to me:
"Oh my son! Be eager in spreading knowledge, even in the gatherings from the gatherings of coffee, lunch and the like of. Be eager in that. Don't leave a single gathering except that you benefit the participants even with only one matter."
He advised me with that. And I advise you with it because it is a beneficial advice.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
"Oh my son! Be eager in spreading knowledge, even in the gatherings from the gatherings of coffee, lunch and the like of. Be eager in that. Don't leave a single gathering except that you benefit the participants even with only one matter."
He advised me with that. And I advise you with it because it is a beneficial advice.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
الشيخ بن عثيمين رحمه الله: ولقد أوصاني رجل من عامة الناس. قال لي يا بني احرص على نشرالعلم. حتى في المجالس من مجالس القهوة والغداء وما أشبه ذلك. احرص عليه. لا تترك مجلسا واحدا إلا وأهديت إلى الجالسين ولو مسألة واحدة. أوصاني بذلك وأنا أوصيكم بذلك لأنها وصية نافعة