My parents say that all of the scholars in Saudi Arabia are Wahaabis
"My parents are not upon the correct methodology and Allaah سبحانه و تعالى has guided me to the Qur'aan and Sunnah upon the methodology of the Sahaabah but my parents are causing trouble for me and they claim that all of the scholars in Saudia are Wahaabis and that scholars of Saudia do not consider the four madhaahib to be legitimate and they degrade them from their just position therefore it is not permissible to take knowledge from the scholars of Saudia, so how do we refute this shubhah?"
"This is a lie, the Shaykh حفظه الله said, the ulemaa (scholars) of Saudia do not make it haraam to follow the four madhaahib and they are taught in this land. The four madhaahib are found, and they are taught and learnt, so this is baatil (incorrect). Concerning the fataawa regarding the laws and giving the verdicts, they are based on the Hanbali Fiqh because that is the madhab of the leaders here and this is not something strange, because every nation follows a path and as long as this manhaj is not contradictory to the Quraan and Sunnah then there is no problem with this. As for following all four madhaahib in one area then this will cause confusion and disputes and splitting, so it is necessary that the methodology is one and followed in the same way, and the ways of teaching and learning are one way. The four madhaahib are studies for their benefit and this is to know the proofs that they come with and to take the best opinion from between them. We take from the strongest saying even if it is in opposition to the Hanbali madhab. This is what was done before. What is important is to find the truth and follow it even if it is found in one of the other three madhaahib."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
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Source: A lecture titled "Life of Imaam Muhammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab", on the 3rd of December, 2005. [Click here for a screenshot in PDF format]
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"My parents are not upon the correct methodology and Allaah سبحانه و تعالى has guided me to the Qur'aan and Sunnah upon the methodology of the Sahaabah but my parents are causing trouble for me and they claim that all of the scholars in Saudia are Wahaabis and that scholars of Saudia do not consider the four madhaahib to be legitimate and they degrade them from their just position therefore it is not permissible to take knowledge from the scholars of Saudia, so how do we refute this shubhah?"
"This is a lie, the Shaykh حفظه الله said, the ulemaa (scholars) of Saudia do not make it haraam to follow the four madhaahib and they are taught in this land. The four madhaahib are found, and they are taught and learnt, so this is baatil (incorrect). Concerning the fataawa regarding the laws and giving the verdicts, they are based on the Hanbali Fiqh because that is the madhab of the leaders here and this is not something strange, because every nation follows a path and as long as this manhaj is not contradictory to the Quraan and Sunnah then there is no problem with this. As for following all four madhaahib in one area then this will cause confusion and disputes and splitting, so it is necessary that the methodology is one and followed in the same way, and the ways of teaching and learning are one way. The four madhaahib are studies for their benefit and this is to know the proofs that they come with and to take the best opinion from between them. We take from the strongest saying even if it is in opposition to the Hanbali madhab. This is what was done before. What is important is to find the truth and follow it even if it is found in one of the other three madhaahib."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by
Source: A lecture titled "Life of Imaam Muhammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab", on the 3rd of December, 2005. [Click here for a screenshot in PDF format]
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.