Many of those who ascribe themselves to Islam fall into Major Shirk because they take their religion from the Sufis. How should we deal with them?
"O noble Shaykh, may Allah grant you success. The questioner asks: “We are from Southern Russia and many of those who ascribe themselves to Islam fall into Major Shirk over there because they take their religion from the shuyukh of the Sufis. His question: How should we deal with them? Shall we deal with them as being polytheists or as being ignorant Muslims?”
“You know that they are polytheists (Mushrikūn). But don’t leave them. Call them to Allah, explain to them, maybe they are ignorant. Call them to Allah and explain to them, since you know the truth, explain to them so that Allah may guide them. And if they don’t accept, then leave them and distance yourself from them. {Verily, you (O Muhammad, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He Wills.} [Surah al-Qasas 28:56] Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"O noble Shaykh, may Allah grant you success. The questioner asks: “We are from Southern Russia and many of those who ascribe themselves to Islam fall into Major Shirk over there because they take their religion from the shuyukh of the Sufis. His question: How should we deal with them? Shall we deal with them as being polytheists or as being ignorant Muslims?”
“You know that they are polytheists (Mushrikūn). But don’t leave them. Call them to Allah, explain to them, maybe they are ignorant. Call them to Allah and explain to them, since you know the truth, explain to them so that Allah may guide them. And if they don’t accept, then leave them and distance yourself from them. {Verily, you (O Muhammad, sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He Wills.} [Surah al-Qasas 28:56] Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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السؤال: فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول السائل: نحن من جنوب روسيا وكثير من المنتسبين الى الإسلام يقعون في الشرك الأكبر هناك بسبب أخذ دينهم عن شيوخ الصوفية، السؤال : ما كيفة تعاملنا مع هؤلاء، هل نتعامل معهم معاملة المشركين أو معاملة المسلمين الجاهلين؟
الجواب: الشيخ صالح الفوزان: أنتم تعلمون أنهم مشركون ولكن ما تتركونهم، أدعوهم إلى الله وبينوا لهم ربما أنهم يجهلون، أدعوهم إلى الله وبينوا لهم، لماعرفتم الحق بينوه لهم لعل الله أن يهديهم، فإن لم يقبلوا فاتركوهم وابتعدوا عنهم ((إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء)) نعم .شرح فتح المجيد بتاريخ:27-10-1434هـ
الجواب: الشيخ صالح الفوزان: أنتم تعلمون أنهم مشركون ولكن ما تتركونهم، أدعوهم إلى الله وبينوا لهم ربما أنهم يجهلون، أدعوهم إلى الله وبينوا لهم، لماعرفتم الحق بينوه لهم لعل الله أن يهديهم، فإن لم يقبلوا فاتركوهم وابتعدوا عنهم ((إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء)) نعم .شرح فتح المجيد بتاريخ:27-10-1434هـ