Just one of the many virtues of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him
It is reported that 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was missing a man from the people of Ash-Shaam who used to attend his ('Umar's) gatherings, so he said to the companions (of the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him): "What happened to so and so the son of so and so?"
They replied: "Oh Leader of the believers he is continuously drinking alcohol thus we didn't see him for days."
So 'Umar summoned his scribe and said to him:
"Write! From 'Umar the son of Al-Khattab to so and so the son of so and so. May peace be upon you. To proceed: Indeed I praise Allah, the One whom no deity has the right to be worshipped truly except Him, before you.
{The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment, the Bestower (of favours), La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), to Him is the final return.} [Surah Al-Ghafir 40:03]"
Then he ('Umar) said to his people: "Supplicate to Allah for your brother that he turns towards Allah with all his heart and that Allah accepts his repentance."
When Umar's letter reached him (that man) he started reading it and repeated it to himself, saying; "{The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment}, indeed He (Allah) warned me of His punishment and promised me His forgiveness." And he would not stop repeating it to himself and weep. Then he repented and his repentance became good.
When the news reached Umar, he said to his people: "This is how you should do when you see one of your (Muslim) brothers committing a mistake! Direct him, ask Allah to make him repent and don't be the helpers of the Shaytaan against him!"
Imam Ismaeel Ibn 'Umar ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Al-Ghafir 40:03.
They replied: "Oh Leader of the believers he is continuously drinking alcohol thus we didn't see him for days."
So 'Umar summoned his scribe and said to him:
"Write! From 'Umar the son of Al-Khattab to so and so the son of so and so. May peace be upon you. To proceed: Indeed I praise Allah, the One whom no deity has the right to be worshipped truly except Him, before you.
{The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment, the Bestower (of favours), La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), to Him is the final return.} [Surah Al-Ghafir 40:03]"
Then he ('Umar) said to his people: "Supplicate to Allah for your brother that he turns towards Allah with all his heart and that Allah accepts his repentance."
When Umar's letter reached him (that man) he started reading it and repeated it to himself, saying; "{The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment}, indeed He (Allah) warned me of His punishment and promised me His forgiveness." And he would not stop repeating it to himself and weep. Then he repented and his repentance became good.
When the news reached Umar, he said to his people: "This is how you should do when you see one of your (Muslim) brothers committing a mistake! Direct him, ask Allah to make him repent and don't be the helpers of the Shaytaan against him!"
Imam Ismaeel Ibn 'Umar ibn Kathir, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Surah Al-Ghafir 40:03.
روي أن عمر رضي الله عنه افتقد رجلا من أهل الشام كان يحضر مجلسه، فقال للصحابة: مافعل فلان بن فلان؟ قالوا
ياأمير المؤمنين تتابع في الشراب - الخمر - فلم نره منذ أيام. فدعا عمر كاتبه، فقال: اكتب "من عمر بن الخطاب، إلى فلان بن فلان، سلامٌ عليك، أما بعد: فإني أحمد إليك الله، الذي لا إله إلا هو { غافر الذنب وقابل التوب شديد العقاب ذي الطول لا إله إلا هو إليه المصير }، ثم قال لأصحابه: أدعو الله لأخيكم، أن يقبل على الله بقلبه ، ويتوب الله عليه !! " ... فلما وصله كتابُ عمر، جعل يقرأه و يردده في نفسه ويقول: {غافر الذنب وقابل التوب شديدالعقاب}، قد حذرني عقوبته ووعدني مغفرته، فلم يزل يرددها على نفسه، و هو يبكي، ثم تاب و حسنت توبته، فلما بلغ عمر خبره، قال لأصحابه: هكذا فاصنعوا إذا رأيتم أخا لكم زل زلة، فسددوه ، وادعوا الله له أن يتوب ، ولا تكونوا أعواناً للشيطان عليه
أخرجه ابن كثير في تفسيره
الآيه رقم ( ٣ ) سورة غافر
ياأمير المؤمنين تتابع في الشراب - الخمر - فلم نره منذ أيام. فدعا عمر كاتبه، فقال: اكتب "من عمر بن الخطاب، إلى فلان بن فلان، سلامٌ عليك، أما بعد: فإني أحمد إليك الله، الذي لا إله إلا هو { غافر الذنب وقابل التوب شديد العقاب ذي الطول لا إله إلا هو إليه المصير }، ثم قال لأصحابه: أدعو الله لأخيكم، أن يقبل على الله بقلبه ، ويتوب الله عليه !! " ... فلما وصله كتابُ عمر، جعل يقرأه و يردده في نفسه ويقول: {غافر الذنب وقابل التوب شديدالعقاب}، قد حذرني عقوبته ووعدني مغفرته، فلم يزل يرددها على نفسه، و هو يبكي، ثم تاب و حسنت توبته، فلما بلغ عمر خبره، قال لأصحابه: هكذا فاصنعوا إذا رأيتم أخا لكم زل زلة، فسددوه ، وادعوا الله له أن يتوب ، ولا تكونوا أعواناً للشيطان عليه
أخرجه ابن كثير في تفسيره
الآيه رقم ( ٣ ) سورة غافر