Is Kufr only by Istihlāl and is the disagreement of the Lajnah with 'Ali Al-Halabī a real disagreement?
"May Allāh be good to you your eminence, this questioner says: "What is your opinion on the one who restricts the Kufr (disbelief) which exits one from the Religion to Al-Istihlāl (deeming what is Harām (prohibited) to be lawful) only, and is it correct that the disagreement of the Al-Lajnah Ad-Dā'imah (The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Iftā') with 'Ali Al-Halabī is not a real disagreement?"
"Leave us alone with this speech. The scholars have already explained the issue of apostasy. And it is explained in the books of fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and in the books of Tawhīd. We are not in need of a new individual to come along and confuse the people with his thoughts and his ignorance and fabrications. We are not in need of the likes of these people. The speech of our scholars and what they have recorded in the authentic books from the books of fiqh and the books of 'Aqīdah (creed) is sufficient for us. This is sufficient for us and we follow it. And we leave these new writings and this new feigned knowledge which has busied the youth and busied the people. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"May Allāh be good to you your eminence, this questioner says: "What is your opinion on the one who restricts the Kufr (disbelief) which exits one from the Religion to Al-Istihlāl (deeming what is Harām (prohibited) to be lawful) only, and is it correct that the disagreement of the Al-Lajnah Ad-Dā'imah (The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Iftā') with 'Ali Al-Halabī is not a real disagreement?"
"Leave us alone with this speech. The scholars have already explained the issue of apostasy. And it is explained in the books of fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and in the books of Tawhīd. We are not in need of a new individual to come along and confuse the people with his thoughts and his ignorance and fabrications. We are not in need of the likes of these people. The speech of our scholars and what they have recorded in the authentic books from the books of fiqh and the books of 'Aqīdah (creed) is sufficient for us. This is sufficient for us and we follow it. And we leave these new writings and this new feigned knowledge which has busied the youth and busied the people. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
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- Is the fatwa of The Permanent Committee on 'Ali Al-Halabi correct?
- Is it true that the Permanent Committee retracted from its criticism of the book by al-Halabee and the book by ash-Shukree?
- A warning against the two books entitled "Al-Tahdhir min Fitnat Al-Takfir" and "Sayhat Nadhir" compiled by 'Ali Hasan Al-Halabi
- The Spread of and Call to Irja' Creed
السؤال : احسن الله إليكم صاحب الفضيلة، هذا السائل يقول: ما رأيكم فيمن يجعل الكفر المخرج من الملة بالاستحلال فقط، وهل صحيح أن خلاف اللجنة الدائمة مع علي الحلبي خلاف صوري؟
جواب الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله: اتركونا من الكلام هذا ، مسألة الردة بيّنها العلماء من قبل وفي كتب الفقه وفي كتب التوحيد مبينة ، ماحنا بحاجة لإنسان جديد يأتي ويلخبط الناس بأفكاره وجهله وتخرصاته ، ماحنا بحاجة لأمثال هؤلاء ، يكفينا قول علمائنا وما دونوه في الكتب الصحيحة من كتب الفقه وكتب العقيدة يكفينا هذا ونمشي عليه ، ونترك هالكتابات الجديدة وهالتعالم الجديد الذي شغل الشباب وشغل الناس. نعم
جواب الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله: اتركونا من الكلام هذا ، مسألة الردة بيّنها العلماء من قبل وفي كتب الفقه وفي كتب التوحيد مبينة ، ماحنا بحاجة لإنسان جديد يأتي ويلخبط الناس بأفكاره وجهله وتخرصاته ، ماحنا بحاجة لأمثال هؤلاء ، يكفينا قول علمائنا وما دونوه في الكتب الصحيحة من كتب الفقه وكتب العقيدة يكفينا هذا ونمشي عليه ، ونترك هالكتابات الجديدة وهالتعالم الجديد الذي شغل الشباب وشغل الناس. نعم