Is it possible that someone who has left off all actions in totality, while he is capable of performing them, is going to exit from the Hell Fire?
"He says: “Oh honourable shaykh, is it possible that someone who has left all actions in totality, while he is capable of performing actions, is going to exit from the Hell Fire? Do the narrations about ash-Shafaa’ah (intercession) apply to him?”
“No. The person who enters into Islam and says he’s a Muslim but subsequently does not pray a single rak’ah for Allah, and does not seek nearness to Allah by way of obedience; for him it does not benefit… Except for when he (became Muslim and) subsequently died immediately after, and he was not capable of performing actions.
But that a person says that he is Muslim, but he does not pray a single rak’ah for Allah and his forehead does not touch the ground, and no righteous actions occur from him… Then how can it be said about such a one that he belongs to the people of Tawheed and the people of al-Imaan? Because the one who leaves off the prayer is a disbeliever. The prayer by itself; the one who leaves it off is a disbeliever.
Furthermore the one who is saved, is the one who did not have the ability to perform actions. But that a person is alive and he does not perform the prayer and no righteous actions occur from him; for him there is but the Fire.”
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
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"He says: “Oh honourable shaykh, is it possible that someone who has left all actions in totality, while he is capable of performing actions, is going to exit from the Hell Fire? Do the narrations about ash-Shafaa’ah (intercession) apply to him?”
“No. The person who enters into Islam and says he’s a Muslim but subsequently does not pray a single rak’ah for Allah, and does not seek nearness to Allah by way of obedience; for him it does not benefit… Except for when he (became Muslim and) subsequently died immediately after, and he was not capable of performing actions.
But that a person says that he is Muslim, but he does not pray a single rak’ah for Allah and his forehead does not touch the ground, and no righteous actions occur from him… Then how can it be said about such a one that he belongs to the people of Tawheed and the people of al-Imaan? Because the one who leaves off the prayer is a disbeliever. The prayer by itself; the one who leaves it off is a disbeliever.
Furthermore the one who is saved, is the one who did not have the ability to perform actions. But that a person is alive and he does not perform the prayer and no righteous actions occur from him; for him there is but the Fire.”
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
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السؤال: يقول فضيلة الشيخ: هل يخرج من النار من ترك العمل بالكلية مع قدرته على العمل، فهل تنطبق عليه أحاديث الشفاعة؟
الجواب: الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد: لا؛ الإنسان الذي يدخل في الإسلام ويقول أنا مسلم ثم لا يصلي لله ركعة ولا يتقرب إلى الله بطاعة فهذا لا يفيده إلا إذا كان حصل منه ومات في الحال ولم يتمكن من العمل، أما إنسان يقول أنه مسلم ثم لا يصلي لله ركعة ولا تمس جبهته الأرض ولا يحصل منه عمل صالح فهذا كيف يقال أنه من أهل التوحيد وأهل الإيمان؟!!! لأن الصلاة من تركها فقد كفر الصلاة نفسها من تركها فقد كفر ، ثم أيضاً الذي يحصل له السلامة هو الذي لم يتمكن من العمل ، أما إنسان عاش ولا يصلي ولا يحصل منه أي عمل صالح فهذا ليس له إلا النار
الجواب: الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد: لا؛ الإنسان الذي يدخل في الإسلام ويقول أنا مسلم ثم لا يصلي لله ركعة ولا يتقرب إلى الله بطاعة فهذا لا يفيده إلا إذا كان حصل منه ومات في الحال ولم يتمكن من العمل، أما إنسان يقول أنه مسلم ثم لا يصلي لله ركعة ولا تمس جبهته الأرض ولا يحصل منه عمل صالح فهذا كيف يقال أنه من أهل التوحيد وأهل الإيمان؟!!! لأن الصلاة من تركها فقد كفر الصلاة نفسها من تركها فقد كفر ، ثم أيضاً الذي يحصل له السلامة هو الذي لم يتمكن من العمل ، أما إنسان عاش ولا يصلي ولا يحصل منه أي عمل صالح فهذا ليس له إلا النار