Is it permissible to give the zakat to a "Muslim" who commits Shirk?
“The questioner says: Is it permissible to give the Zakat to a Muslim who calls upon other than Allah, swears by other than Allah, makes tawaf (circumambulates) around the graves and believes that the Saliheen (righteous) can bring benefit and inflict harm?”
“This one who is mentioned in the question is a mushrik (polytheist) kafir (disbeliever). Allah does not accept from him any prayer, fasting, charity and other than that. The one who calls upon other than Allah is a mushrik. And the one who worships the graves is a mushrik. And this one is not to be given from the Zakat. He rather, is to be invited to Islam, and Tawhid (the concept of Islamic monotheism) is to be explained to him. If he embraces Tawhid, then that is what is desired. And if not, then it is upon the leader to carry out on him what the law requires. As for the one who swears by other than Allah; then he is given from the Zakat, because swearing by other than Allah does not exit one from the fold of Islam although it is shirk. He is given from the Zakat, is to be adviced and it is to be explained to him that swearing by other than Allah is a form of shirk. It may be that Allah guides him. Yes.”
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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“The questioner says: Is it permissible to give the Zakat to a Muslim who calls upon other than Allah, swears by other than Allah, makes tawaf (circumambulates) around the graves and believes that the Saliheen (righteous) can bring benefit and inflict harm?”
“This one who is mentioned in the question is a mushrik (polytheist) kafir (disbeliever). Allah does not accept from him any prayer, fasting, charity and other than that. The one who calls upon other than Allah is a mushrik. And the one who worships the graves is a mushrik. And this one is not to be given from the Zakat. He rather, is to be invited to Islam, and Tawhid (the concept of Islamic monotheism) is to be explained to him. If he embraces Tawhid, then that is what is desired. And if not, then it is upon the leader to carry out on him what the law requires. As for the one who swears by other than Allah; then he is given from the Zakat, because swearing by other than Allah does not exit one from the fold of Islam although it is shirk. He is given from the Zakat, is to be adviced and it is to be explained to him that swearing by other than Allah is a form of shirk. It may be that Allah guides him. Yes.”
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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سؤال: يقول السائل: هل يجوز إعطاء الزكاة إلى مسلم يدعو غير الله ويحلف بغير الله ويطوف بالقباب ويعتقد النفع والضر في الصالحين ؟
الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله: هذا الذي ذكر في السؤال مشرك كافر لايقبل الله منه صلاة ولا صيام ولا صدقة ولا غيرها، الذي يدعو غير الله مشرك ، والذي يعبد القبور مشرك، وهذا لا يعطى من الزكاة، بل يدعى إلى الإسلام ويُبين له التوحيد، فإن اعتنق التوحيد فهذا المطلوب وإلا فعلى ولي الأمر أن ينفذ فيه ما تقتضيه الشريعة، أما من حلف بغير الله فإنه يعطى من الزكاة، لأن الحلف بغير الله لا يخرج من الملة وإن كان شركاً، يعطى من الزكاة وينصح ويبين له أن الحلف بغير الله نوع من شرك، لعل الله أن يهديه، نعم
الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله: هذا الذي ذكر في السؤال مشرك كافر لايقبل الله منه صلاة ولا صيام ولا صدقة ولا غيرها، الذي يدعو غير الله مشرك ، والذي يعبد القبور مشرك، وهذا لا يعطى من الزكاة، بل يدعى إلى الإسلام ويُبين له التوحيد، فإن اعتنق التوحيد فهذا المطلوب وإلا فعلى ولي الأمر أن ينفذ فيه ما تقتضيه الشريعة، أما من حلف بغير الله فإنه يعطى من الزكاة، لأن الحلف بغير الله لا يخرج من الملة وإن كان شركاً، يعطى من الزكاة وينصح ويبين له أن الحلف بغير الله نوع من شرك، لعل الله أن يهديه، نعم