Is it permissible for the Muslim to boycott his Muslim brother because he did not agree with him regarding the disparagement of some scholars?
"May Allah keep you firm! Is it permissible for the Muslim to boycott his Muslim brother and not give salaam to him, because he did not agree with him regarding the disparagement (tajrīh, from the word jarh) of some scholars?"
"How evil is what this one has done! This one's act is evil, meaning the issue of the disparagement of one, two, or more scholars; that if you agree with him regarding the disparagement then you are his friend, and if you differ with him then you are not. This speech is from the trials and from the tribulations with which some people have been afflicted, who preoccupied themselves with this, are preoccupied from knowledge, are busy with eating the flesh of the people, and who have filled their bellies with the flesh of the unaware!"
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"May Allah keep you firm! Is it permissible for the Muslim to boycott his Muslim brother and not give salaam to him, because he did not agree with him regarding the disparagement (tajrīh, from the word jarh) of some scholars?"
"How evil is what this one has done! This one's act is evil, meaning the issue of the disparagement of one, two, or more scholars; that if you agree with him regarding the disparagement then you are his friend, and if you differ with him then you are not. This speech is from the trials and from the tribulations with which some people have been afflicted, who preoccupied themselves with this, are preoccupied from knowledge, are busy with eating the flesh of the people, and who have filled their bellies with the flesh of the unaware!"
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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السؤال: ثبتكم الله هل يحل للمسلم أن يهجر أخاه المسلم ولا يسلم عليه لانه لم يوافقه في تجريح بعض المشايخ؟
جواب الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد حفظه الله: بئس ما صنع هذا ، هذا عمله سيئ ، يعني قضية تجريح شيخ أو شيخين أو أكثر ، يعني إن وافقته على التجريح فأنت صاحبه وإن خالفته فلست صاحبه! هذا الكلام من الفتن ومن البلاء الذي أصيب به بعض الناس الذين أشغلوا أنفسهم بهذا واشتغلوا عن العلم ، واشتغلوا بأكل لحوم الناس وملؤوا بطونهم من لحوم الغافلين
جواب الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد حفظه الله: بئس ما صنع هذا ، هذا عمله سيئ ، يعني قضية تجريح شيخ أو شيخين أو أكثر ، يعني إن وافقته على التجريح فأنت صاحبه وإن خالفته فلست صاحبه! هذا الكلام من الفتن ومن البلاء الذي أصيب به بعض الناس الذين أشغلوا أنفسهم بهذا واشتغلوا عن العلم ، واشتغلوا بأكل لحوم الناس وملؤوا بطونهم من لحوم الغافلين