Is it mandatory to have a tazkiyyah from a scholar before one can translate or teach knowledge?
“You know the state of affairs of the Muslims in the lands of disbelief; that the majority of the youth are non-Arabs, they don't understand Arabic. And so in our city, for example, there is a brother who took upon himself to translate for his brothers the speech of the scholars from their books. Simple books like the explanation of Al-Usool ath-Thalathah by Shaykh Al-’Uthaymeen and some other books.
Some people objected to this and it was said to him: “It is mandatory upon you that you have a specific tazkiyyah (recommendation) from a big scholar from Saudi Arabia for example, meaning from a salafi scholar. So what is your speech regarding this?”
“My speech regarding this, is that whomsoever learns something from the sciences of the Islamic religion and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and masters it, then there is no sin upon him, rather he will be rewarded if he teaches it (to the people). And it is not a condition that he presents a tazkiyyah.
However, one should look at what he teaches the people; if he teaches them what is correct, the rulings of the sharia with its proofs, then this is what is required, and it is not a condition that he has been granted a tazkiyyah from a scholar. And if he makes a mistake; and there has to be someone who criticises the mistake, if he makes mistakes, then it is not allowed for him to teach the people something that is not correct.
This is the matter, like the Prophet sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
“Convey from me, even if it is just one āyah.” [Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, 3202]
Meaning, this is the proof that whoever carries a small amount of knowledge, while the people are in need of his knowledge, then it is mandatory upon him to convey it (to the people). And it is not allowed for anyone to prevent him from this, except when he sees him misleading the people; that he speaks regarding Allah without knowledge, that he gives fatwa (Islamic verdicts) without knowledge, and that he establishes principles without knowledge, then first and foremost, it is not allowed for him to do so, and it is not allowed to be silent regarding him. However he should be advised to study up until he has gained a portion of knowledge, in order to teach the people. Therefore he is not to be prevented while he is correct. And he is not to be consented to if he makes mistakes.”
Questioner: “And when he merely translates the speech of the scholars, without adding or removing?”
Shaykh: “When he relays the speech of the scholars, while fulfilling the amaanah (trust, responsibility) with regards to knowledge; then there is no sin upon him (the questioner is heard, speech unclear). And this is the way of the students of knowledge, they relay (the speech) from their scholars and from the predecessors; the ones who authored writings and compiled the books of the Sunnah. So he relays from them (their speech), but while fulfilling the amaanah with regards to knowledge. And it is better for him to have a good understanding regarding that which he relays (to the people), so that when he is asked, he is able to clarify the affair, the sharī'ah ruling, the religious matter, as not to fall into mistake. It is therefore a must that, that which is being relayed is also accompanied by a solid understanding of that which the person relays (to the people). Because it is possible that a person relays something which has been twisted, misplaced or which is incorrect, whereby the listeners can be harmed. Thus a good understanding alongside that which is being relayed (from the speech of the scholars) is a must.”
Shaykh Zayd bin Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, may Allah have mercy upon him
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“You know the state of affairs of the Muslims in the lands of disbelief; that the majority of the youth are non-Arabs, they don't understand Arabic. And so in our city, for example, there is a brother who took upon himself to translate for his brothers the speech of the scholars from their books. Simple books like the explanation of Al-Usool ath-Thalathah by Shaykh Al-’Uthaymeen and some other books.
Some people objected to this and it was said to him: “It is mandatory upon you that you have a specific tazkiyyah (recommendation) from a big scholar from Saudi Arabia for example, meaning from a salafi scholar. So what is your speech regarding this?”
“My speech regarding this, is that whomsoever learns something from the sciences of the Islamic religion and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) and masters it, then there is no sin upon him, rather he will be rewarded if he teaches it (to the people). And it is not a condition that he presents a tazkiyyah.
However, one should look at what he teaches the people; if he teaches them what is correct, the rulings of the sharia with its proofs, then this is what is required, and it is not a condition that he has been granted a tazkiyyah from a scholar. And if he makes a mistake; and there has to be someone who criticises the mistake, if he makes mistakes, then it is not allowed for him to teach the people something that is not correct.
This is the matter, like the Prophet sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
“Convey from me, even if it is just one āyah.” [Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, 3202]
Meaning, this is the proof that whoever carries a small amount of knowledge, while the people are in need of his knowledge, then it is mandatory upon him to convey it (to the people). And it is not allowed for anyone to prevent him from this, except when he sees him misleading the people; that he speaks regarding Allah without knowledge, that he gives fatwa (Islamic verdicts) without knowledge, and that he establishes principles without knowledge, then first and foremost, it is not allowed for him to do so, and it is not allowed to be silent regarding him. However he should be advised to study up until he has gained a portion of knowledge, in order to teach the people. Therefore he is not to be prevented while he is correct. And he is not to be consented to if he makes mistakes.”
Questioner: “And when he merely translates the speech of the scholars, without adding or removing?”
Shaykh: “When he relays the speech of the scholars, while fulfilling the amaanah (trust, responsibility) with regards to knowledge; then there is no sin upon him (the questioner is heard, speech unclear). And this is the way of the students of knowledge, they relay (the speech) from their scholars and from the predecessors; the ones who authored writings and compiled the books of the Sunnah. So he relays from them (their speech), but while fulfilling the amaanah with regards to knowledge. And it is better for him to have a good understanding regarding that which he relays (to the people), so that when he is asked, he is able to clarify the affair, the sharī'ah ruling, the religious matter, as not to fall into mistake. It is therefore a must that, that which is being relayed is also accompanied by a solid understanding of that which the person relays (to the people). Because it is possible that a person relays something which has been twisted, misplaced or which is incorrect, whereby the listeners can be harmed. Thus a good understanding alongside that which is being relayed (from the speech of the scholars) is a must.”
Shaykh Zayd bin Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, may Allah have mercy upon him
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السائل:تعرفون يعني واقع المسلمين بالبلاد الكفرية أن أكثر الشباب يعني أعاجم لا يفهمون اللغة العربية ففي قريتنا مثلا هناك أخ قام بترجمة أقوال العلماء من كتبهم لإخوانه كتب بسيطة أمثال شرح الأصول الثلاثة للشيخ العثيمين وبعض الكتب الأخرى فاعترض عليه فقيل له أنه يجب عليك أن تكون لك تزكية خاصة من عالم كبير من السعودية مثلا يعني من عالم سلفي فما هو قولكم في هذا الشيء يعني ؟
جواب الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: قولي في هذا أن من تعلم شيئا من علوم الدين الإسلامي والفقه الإسلامي وأتقنه لا حرج عليه بل له الأجر إذا علم به ولا يشترط أن يأتي بتزكية ولكن ينظر بأي شيء يعلم الناس إن علمهم بالصواب بالأحكام الشرعية بأدلتها فهذا هو المطلوب ولا يشترط أن يزكا من شيخ وإن اخطأ ولا بد من أن يوجد من ينتقد الخطأ إن كان يخطئ فلا يجوز له أن يعلم الناس بشيء ليس صوابا فهذه هي القضية كما قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بلغوا عني ولو آية. يعني دليل على انه من حمل قليلا من العلم واحتاج الناس إلى علمه وجب عليه أن يبلغه ولا يجوز لأحد أن يعترض سبيله إلا إذا رآه يضلل الناس يقول على الله بدون علم ويفتي بدون علم ويقعد قواعد بدون علم فهذا لا يجوز له أولا ولا يجوز السكوت عليه ولكن ينصح أن يتعلم حتى يغرز نصيبا من العلم ويعلم الناس فلا يمنع وهو مصيب ولا يقر إذا كان مخطئا
السائل: وإذا كان يكتفي بترجمة أقوال العلماء لا يزيد ولا ينقص؟
...جواب الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: ...أقوال العلماء بأمانة علمية
السائل: ولا ينقص
الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: وهذا هو طريق طلاب العلم، ينقلون عن أشياخهم وينقلون عن المتقدمين الذين ألفوا المؤلفات ودونوا دواوين السنة ينقل عنهم ولكن بالأمانة العلمية، وخيرا له أن يتفقه فيما ينقله بحيث إذا سئل يستطيع أن يفصل في القضية في الحكم الشرعي في المسألة الدينية حتى لا يقع في خطأ فالنقل أيضا لابد أن يصحبه الفهم لما ينقله الإنسان فقد ينقل الإنسان شيئا إما محرفا وإما ...وإما خطأ فيلحق ضرر السامعين فلابد من الفهم أيضا مع النقل الحمد لله. اعتنى بهذا التفريغ موقع
جواب الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: قولي في هذا أن من تعلم شيئا من علوم الدين الإسلامي والفقه الإسلامي وأتقنه لا حرج عليه بل له الأجر إذا علم به ولا يشترط أن يأتي بتزكية ولكن ينظر بأي شيء يعلم الناس إن علمهم بالصواب بالأحكام الشرعية بأدلتها فهذا هو المطلوب ولا يشترط أن يزكا من شيخ وإن اخطأ ولا بد من أن يوجد من ينتقد الخطأ إن كان يخطئ فلا يجوز له أن يعلم الناس بشيء ليس صوابا فهذه هي القضية كما قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بلغوا عني ولو آية. يعني دليل على انه من حمل قليلا من العلم واحتاج الناس إلى علمه وجب عليه أن يبلغه ولا يجوز لأحد أن يعترض سبيله إلا إذا رآه يضلل الناس يقول على الله بدون علم ويفتي بدون علم ويقعد قواعد بدون علم فهذا لا يجوز له أولا ولا يجوز السكوت عليه ولكن ينصح أن يتعلم حتى يغرز نصيبا من العلم ويعلم الناس فلا يمنع وهو مصيب ولا يقر إذا كان مخطئا
السائل: وإذا كان يكتفي بترجمة أقوال العلماء لا يزيد ولا ينقص؟
...جواب الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: ...أقوال العلماء بأمانة علمية
السائل: ولا ينقص
الشيخ زيد المدخلي رحمه الله: وهذا هو طريق طلاب العلم، ينقلون عن أشياخهم وينقلون عن المتقدمين الذين ألفوا المؤلفات ودونوا دواوين السنة ينقل عنهم ولكن بالأمانة العلمية، وخيرا له أن يتفقه فيما ينقله بحيث إذا سئل يستطيع أن يفصل في القضية في الحكم الشرعي في المسألة الدينية حتى لا يقع في خطأ فالنقل أيضا لابد أن يصحبه الفهم لما ينقله الإنسان فقد ينقل الإنسان شيئا إما محرفا وإما ...وإما خطأ فيلحق ضرر السامعين فلابد من الفهم أيضا مع النقل الحمد لله. اعتنى بهذا التفريغ موقع