Insulting the Du'aat and Scholars
The questioner asks:
We would like some guidance from you for the youth in regards to respecting the Salafee du’aat (callers) and not reviling them, because reviling them is reviling what they carry from the Da’watus Salafiyyah. We would like that this would not exist.
The Shaykh – rahimahullah- answers:
Firstly, reviling the scholars or the Du’aat, the Du’aat to the Truth – alive and dead, is backbiting. People in these times have become lenient in backbiting, and it is a dangerous matter. Reviling the scholars includes alienation of the scholars. If a scholar is reviled, for example a noble scholar who is well-known among us, the people will be alienated from his knowledge and be diverted from him. Therefore, there will be less benefit taken from him. So, those who block the paths from among the students of knowledge will persist. Then, even with the Du’aat who are not Salafee – from the Du’aat of the Khalafiyyeen (those who don’t follow the Salaf) and the Du’aat of the Sufis and the Jama’aat (groups) – it should not delve into their honor and reviling them in this way. No. If you they are callers, it’s on you to clarify their mistakes and warn the people from their mistakes. This is the advice from the chapter of Jarh wa Ta’deel (criticism and praise). As for delving into their honor – as long as they are Muslim- and degrading their honor in the general sittings, just because they are not Salafee, this is wrong. It is misconceived. It’s not permissible for you to backbite a Muslim as long as he is Muslim. And degrading him, harming him, and take from his flesh (backbite). No! This is Haraam (forbidden). It’s a serious issue. So what do you think if this is about the Salafee Du’aat (callers) to the Truth whom Allaah has given benefit through them to the worshipers and the lands? You revile them so that the people alienate him, and perhaps you may fall into lying while alienating. And falling into lying – just like that- has become easy for the people in these recent times, and refuge is sought with Allaah.
[There seems to be a break in the audio at this point]
There are those from our noble scholars whom we differ with in some issues, and with that it is obligatory on us to respect and appreciate them due to what they carry from beneficial knowledge and sincere advice to the worshipers of Allaah.
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Source: Translated by Athaar Media.
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We would like some guidance from you for the youth in regards to respecting the Salafee du’aat (callers) and not reviling them, because reviling them is reviling what they carry from the Da’watus Salafiyyah. We would like that this would not exist.
The Shaykh – rahimahullah- answers:
Firstly, reviling the scholars or the Du’aat, the Du’aat to the Truth – alive and dead, is backbiting. People in these times have become lenient in backbiting, and it is a dangerous matter. Reviling the scholars includes alienation of the scholars. If a scholar is reviled, for example a noble scholar who is well-known among us, the people will be alienated from his knowledge and be diverted from him. Therefore, there will be less benefit taken from him. So, those who block the paths from among the students of knowledge will persist. Then, even with the Du’aat who are not Salafee – from the Du’aat of the Khalafiyyeen (those who don’t follow the Salaf) and the Du’aat of the Sufis and the Jama’aat (groups) – it should not delve into their honor and reviling them in this way. No. If you they are callers, it’s on you to clarify their mistakes and warn the people from their mistakes. This is the advice from the chapter of Jarh wa Ta’deel (criticism and praise). As for delving into their honor – as long as they are Muslim- and degrading their honor in the general sittings, just because they are not Salafee, this is wrong. It is misconceived. It’s not permissible for you to backbite a Muslim as long as he is Muslim. And degrading him, harming him, and take from his flesh (backbite). No! This is Haraam (forbidden). It’s a serious issue. So what do you think if this is about the Salafee Du’aat (callers) to the Truth whom Allaah has given benefit through them to the worshipers and the lands? You revile them so that the people alienate him, and perhaps you may fall into lying while alienating. And falling into lying – just like that- has become easy for the people in these recent times, and refuge is sought with Allaah.
[There seems to be a break in the audio at this point]
There are those from our noble scholars whom we differ with in some issues, and with that it is obligatory on us to respect and appreciate them due to what they carry from beneficial knowledge and sincere advice to the worshipers of Allaah.
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Source: Translated by Athaar Media.
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