From the greatest blessings of Jannah
The great scholar Ibn ul-Qayyim (رحمه الله) mentions:
"Jannah (paradise) is not the name for just the trees, fruits, food, drink, Houris (fair females), rivers and castles. Most of the people err when it comes to the definition of Jannah.
For verily Jannah is the name for the abode of ultimate and complete bliss. And from the greatest blessings of Jannah is to rejoice by looking at the Noble Face of Allah, listening to His Speech and having the comfort of one's eyes by being close to Him and His pleasure.
Thus there is no comparison between the delight of what it contains by way of food, drink, clothing and portray and this delight at all."
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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Source: Madarij as-Salikin 80/2.
"Jannah (paradise) is not the name for just the trees, fruits, food, drink, Houris (fair females), rivers and castles. Most of the people err when it comes to the definition of Jannah.
For verily Jannah is the name for the abode of ultimate and complete bliss. And from the greatest blessings of Jannah is to rejoice by looking at the Noble Face of Allah, listening to His Speech and having the comfort of one's eyes by being close to Him and His pleasure.
Thus there is no comparison between the delight of what it contains by way of food, drink, clothing and portray and this delight at all."
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Madarij as-Salikin 80/2.
قال ابن القيم رحمه الله : الجنة ليست اسماً لمجرد الأشجار والفواكه والطعام والشراب والحور العين والأنهار والقصور، وأكثر الناس يغلطون في مسمى الجنة، فإن الجنة اسم لدار النعيم المطلق الكامل، ومن أعظم نعيم الجنة : التمتع بالنظر إلى وجه الله الكريم، وسماع كلامه، وقرة العين بالقرب منه وبرضوانه، فلا نسبة للذة ما فيها من المأكول والمشروب والملبوس والصور إلى هذه اللذة أبدا
مدارج السالكين80/2
مدارج السالكين80/2