Explaining "the one who does not declare the innovator to be an innovator is an innovator"
"He says: "Oh our Shaykh, you mentioned yesterday that the one who does not declare the innovator to be innovator, is not to be put together with him (that innovator), and that it is not binding upon him to agree with he whom declares him (that innovator) to be an innovator. However, some people of knowledge mentioned that the one who does not declare the innovator to be an innovator is to be put together with him. So is therefore the difference in this issue only a semantic (a verbal) one?"
"The innovator...innovating... Yes, there are people, people of innovation whose affair is clear. They are far away from the Sunnah and are not from the people of Sunnah, and they wage war against the Sunnah. The Sunnah is on one side of the valley and they are on the other. There is no doubt that the one who does not declare them to be innovators, is an innovator himself.
But as for people from whom mistakes occur, from amongst the people of Sunnah, and something by way of mistake or misunderstanding occurs; then it is not to be said that they are like the others (the innovators whose affair is clear). It is not to be said that they are like them, and it is not to be said that the one who does not declare them to be innovators, that this one becomes an innovator himself. Yes."
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
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"He says: "Oh our Shaykh, you mentioned yesterday that the one who does not declare the innovator to be innovator, is not to be put together with him (that innovator), and that it is not binding upon him to agree with he whom declares him (that innovator) to be an innovator. However, some people of knowledge mentioned that the one who does not declare the innovator to be an innovator is to be put together with him. So is therefore the difference in this issue only a semantic (a verbal) one?"
"The innovator...innovating... Yes, there are people, people of innovation whose affair is clear. They are far away from the Sunnah and are not from the people of Sunnah, and they wage war against the Sunnah. The Sunnah is on one side of the valley and they are on the other. There is no doubt that the one who does not declare them to be innovators, is an innovator himself.
But as for people from whom mistakes occur, from amongst the people of Sunnah, and something by way of mistake or misunderstanding occurs; then it is not to be said that they are like the others (the innovators whose affair is clear). It is not to be said that they are like them, and it is not to be said that the one who does not declare them to be innovators, that this one becomes an innovator himself. Yes."
Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-'Abbaad, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
السّؤال :يقول شيخنا ذكرتم أمس أن من لم يبدع المبتدع لا يلحق به , و لا يلزمه أن يُتابع من بدّعه و ذكر بعض أهل العلم أن من لم يُبَدّع المبتدع يُلْحقُ به , فهل الخلاف في هذا لفظي ؟
الجواب: المبتدع .. الابتداع .. نعم فيه ناس أهل بدع , واضحة أمرهم , بعيدون عن السنة و ليسوا من أهل السنة و محاربون للسنة و السنة في واد و هم في واد آخر , هؤلاء من لا يبدّعهم لا شكّ أنّه مبتدع أمّا يعني أناس يحصل عندهم خطأ من أهل السنة و يحصل عندهم .. يعني .. شيء من الخطأ أو فهم خاطئ فهؤلاء لا يُقال أنهم مثل أولئك, لا يقال أنهم مثل أولئك , و لا يقال أن من لم يبدّع هذا يصير مبتدع , نعم