Do we say that the one who makes Tawāf around the grave and asks the dead for help is a disbeliever or that his action is disbelief?
"May Allāh be good to you! The one who circumambulates (makes Tawāf around) around the grave and asks (the dead) for aid; do we say that this one is a disbeliever or that his action is disbelief?"
"We say that your action is disbelief and that implies your disbelief as well. This is a specific individual who has committed an act of disbelief, we say that this action is disbelief and that he is a disbeliever through his action, and we call him a disbeliever by means of his action, since he directed the worship to other than Allāh.
If he dies in this state he is not to be washed, not to be prayed over and his Muslim relatives do not inherit from him. And if he still alive then his wife is to be separated from him, even if he says it (Lā ilāha illā Allāh) a thousand times, because he is classed as being like the one who prayed without wudhū' (ablution), hence the prayer is not correct without wudhū', (speech not clear) of what benefit is this prayer?! This one says Lā ilāha illā Allāh (there is no god worthy of worship truly except Allāh), but has neutralised it and nullified its sense by asking for assistance and seeking aid from other than Allāh, because Lā ilāha illā Allāh implies that no diety on the earth nor in the heaven has the right to be worshipped truly except Allāh. Therefore He is deserving of all worship, He alone with no partner or associate. And the worship which He alone is deserving of is a comprehensive word for everything that Allāh loves and is pleased with from inwardly and outwardly speech and actions. And Allāh knows best."
Shaykh 'Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Sharh Kashf Ash-Shubuhāt.
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"May Allāh be good to you! The one who circumambulates (makes Tawāf around) around the grave and asks (the dead) for aid; do we say that this one is a disbeliever or that his action is disbelief?"
"We say that your action is disbelief and that implies your disbelief as well. This is a specific individual who has committed an act of disbelief, we say that this action is disbelief and that he is a disbeliever through his action, and we call him a disbeliever by means of his action, since he directed the worship to other than Allāh.
If he dies in this state he is not to be washed, not to be prayed over and his Muslim relatives do not inherit from him. And if he still alive then his wife is to be separated from him, even if he says it (Lā ilāha illā Allāh) a thousand times, because he is classed as being like the one who prayed without wudhū' (ablution), hence the prayer is not correct without wudhū', (speech not clear) of what benefit is this prayer?! This one says Lā ilāha illā Allāh (there is no god worthy of worship truly except Allāh), but has neutralised it and nullified its sense by asking for assistance and seeking aid from other than Allāh, because Lā ilāha illā Allāh implies that no diety on the earth nor in the heaven has the right to be worshipped truly except Allāh. Therefore He is deserving of all worship, He alone with no partner or associate. And the worship which He alone is deserving of is a comprehensive word for everything that Allāh loves and is pleased with from inwardly and outwardly speech and actions. And Allāh knows best."
Shaykh 'Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Sharh Kashf Ash-Shubuhāt.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
السؤال: أحسن الله إليك ، الذي يطوف بالقبر ويطلب المدد ، هل نقول هذا كافر أم عمله كفر؟
جواب الشيخ عبد الله بن حميد رحمه الله : نقول عملك كفر وهذا يقتضي كفرك أيضاً ، هذا معين ، عمل كفر، نقول هذا العمل كفر وهو كافر بعمله، ونطلق عليه أنه كافر بعمله مادام أنه صرف العبادة لغير الله، لو مات على هذه الحالة لا يغسل ولا يصلى عليه ولا يرثه أقاربه المسلمون، وإذا لم يمت بانت منه زوجته، حتى ولو قالها ألف مرة، لأنه من جنس من صلى بلا وضوء، فلا تصح الصلاة بلا وضوء ...إيش تسوي الصلاة هذه ؟ ، هذا يقول لا إله إلا الله ولكن أفسدها وأبطل معناها باستجارته وطلبه المدد من غير الله ، لأن لا إله إلا الله تقتضي أنه لا معبود في الأرض ولا في السماء بحق إلا الله ، فهو المستحق للعبادة وحده لا شريك له ، والعبادة التي هو مستحق لها وحده هي اسم جامع لكل ما يحبه الله ويرضاه من الأقوال والأفعال الظاهرة والباطنة، والله أعلم
المصدر: شريط شرح كشف الشبهات
جواب الشيخ عبد الله بن حميد رحمه الله : نقول عملك كفر وهذا يقتضي كفرك أيضاً ، هذا معين ، عمل كفر، نقول هذا العمل كفر وهو كافر بعمله، ونطلق عليه أنه كافر بعمله مادام أنه صرف العبادة لغير الله، لو مات على هذه الحالة لا يغسل ولا يصلى عليه ولا يرثه أقاربه المسلمون، وإذا لم يمت بانت منه زوجته، حتى ولو قالها ألف مرة، لأنه من جنس من صلى بلا وضوء، فلا تصح الصلاة بلا وضوء ...إيش تسوي الصلاة هذه ؟ ، هذا يقول لا إله إلا الله ولكن أفسدها وأبطل معناها باستجارته وطلبه المدد من غير الله ، لأن لا إله إلا الله تقتضي أنه لا معبود في الأرض ولا في السماء بحق إلا الله ، فهو المستحق للعبادة وحده لا شريك له ، والعبادة التي هو مستحق لها وحده هي اسم جامع لكل ما يحبه الله ويرضاه من الأقوال والأفعال الظاهرة والباطنة، والله أعلم
المصدر: شريط شرح كشف الشبهات