Distinguishing Between Salafi and Khawaarij 'Aqeedah
"What are the facts which distinguish between the pure blessed Salafi Manhaj and the 'Aqeedah of those who are affected by the methodology of the Khawaarij. We know that these two are totally different things in extreme opposition to one another. However, the Western media does not differentiate between them, so what is your opinion?"
"Regarding the Khawaarij, the position of the 'Ulamaa of Islaam from the time of the Sahaabah all the way to the Taabi'een, to this day and time is pretty clear. The Khawaarij have the qualities of violence and passing judgment on individuals, saying that they are disbelievers because of sins they commit, and they view them to be Kuffaar and consider it permissible to spill their blood. However, the 'Ulamaa of Islaam upon the methodology of the Prophet, from the Sahaabah, the Taabi'een and those after them, as well as the four Imaams - Abu Haneefah, Maalik, ash-Shaafi'ee and Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمهم الله do not accept this particular opinion which we find among the Khawaarij.
If the people from the West really want to know the truth, it is possible for them to question Ahlul-'Ilm (the People of Knowledge, the Scholars). Perhaps what occurred with them and their inquisition is something that they probably think is similar to Islaam; and it is not strange that some of them would criticize the 'Ulamaa of Saudia. But for those who intend the truth, it is possible for them to contact the Scholars to ascertain their position, as they do not allow these things nor do they agree with them. The Sharee'ah i.e. the laws and legislation that we have, does not allow you to kill innocent people i.e. a person who is not a combatant in war, the elderly, the young children or the baby who is still suckling. This is something that is not acceptable in Islaam and it is not something that the 'Ulamaa of Islaam accept. However, we know that in the West, very often, sensitivity and the state of fear cause people to say things that have not really been verified. This is not the case for everyone because we know that there are in the West those who would like to learn the truth and who are not governed by their desires. However, as the statement says:'Your love for something blinds you and causes you to be deaf.'"
Shaykh Saalih bin Muhammad al-Luhaydaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Albaseerah.org.
Source: Lecture on Islaam and its relation to Terrorism, August 7th, 2005. [Click here for a screenshot in PDF format]
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"What are the facts which distinguish between the pure blessed Salafi Manhaj and the 'Aqeedah of those who are affected by the methodology of the Khawaarij. We know that these two are totally different things in extreme opposition to one another. However, the Western media does not differentiate between them, so what is your opinion?"
"Regarding the Khawaarij, the position of the 'Ulamaa of Islaam from the time of the Sahaabah all the way to the Taabi'een, to this day and time is pretty clear. The Khawaarij have the qualities of violence and passing judgment on individuals, saying that they are disbelievers because of sins they commit, and they view them to be Kuffaar and consider it permissible to spill their blood. However, the 'Ulamaa of Islaam upon the methodology of the Prophet, from the Sahaabah, the Taabi'een and those after them, as well as the four Imaams - Abu Haneefah, Maalik, ash-Shaafi'ee and Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمهم الله do not accept this particular opinion which we find among the Khawaarij.
If the people from the West really want to know the truth, it is possible for them to question Ahlul-'Ilm (the People of Knowledge, the Scholars). Perhaps what occurred with them and their inquisition is something that they probably think is similar to Islaam; and it is not strange that some of them would criticize the 'Ulamaa of Saudia. But for those who intend the truth, it is possible for them to contact the Scholars to ascertain their position, as they do not allow these things nor do they agree with them. The Sharee'ah i.e. the laws and legislation that we have, does not allow you to kill innocent people i.e. a person who is not a combatant in war, the elderly, the young children or the baby who is still suckling. This is something that is not acceptable in Islaam and it is not something that the 'Ulamaa of Islaam accept. However, we know that in the West, very often, sensitivity and the state of fear cause people to say things that have not really been verified. This is not the case for everyone because we know that there are in the West those who would like to learn the truth and who are not governed by their desires. However, as the statement says:'Your love for something blinds you and causes you to be deaf.'"
Shaykh Saalih bin Muhammad al-Luhaydaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by Albaseerah.org.
Source: Lecture on Islaam and its relation to Terrorism, August 7th, 2005. [Click here for a screenshot in PDF format]
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