Concerning making Tawaf around (circumambulating) the graves
“Oh virtuous Shaykh, may Allah grant you success. He says: There have appeared a people in this time from those who are being looked up to stating that they don't make takfir of (declare to be disbelievers) the mushrikeen (polytheists). He says: I can't make takfir of the one who says La ilaha illa Allah (there is no deity worthy of worship truly except Allah) when he makes Tawaf around (circumambulates) the grave.”
“Ya subhan Allah (Oh how perfect is Allah)!! He says La ilaha illa Allah and makes Tawaf around the grave? Where is La ilaha illa Allah? And what is the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah then? La ilaha illa Allah is not just speech upon the tongue. Speech upon the tongue, belief in the heart, and action. He has to leave off shirk (associating partners with Allah in worship) in all of its forms otherwise he is a mushrik (polytheist), even if he says La ilaha illa Allah, because he is not truthful in it. La ilaha illa Allah is not just a statement which is said upon the tongue only. Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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“Oh virtuous Shaykh, may Allah grant you success. He says: There have appeared a people in this time from those who are being looked up to stating that they don't make takfir of (declare to be disbelievers) the mushrikeen (polytheists). He says: I can't make takfir of the one who says La ilaha illa Allah (there is no deity worthy of worship truly except Allah) when he makes Tawaf around (circumambulates) the grave.”
“Ya subhan Allah (Oh how perfect is Allah)!! He says La ilaha illa Allah and makes Tawaf around the grave? Where is La ilaha illa Allah? And what is the meaning of La ilaha illa Allah then? La ilaha illa Allah is not just speech upon the tongue. Speech upon the tongue, belief in the heart, and action. He has to leave off shirk (associating partners with Allah in worship) in all of its forms otherwise he is a mushrik (polytheist), even if he says La ilaha illa Allah, because he is not truthful in it. La ilaha illa Allah is not just a statement which is said upon the tongue only. Yes.”
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
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فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول ظهر أناس في هذا الزمان ممن يشار إليهم بالبنان يقولون إنهم لا يكفرون المشركين يقول: (أنا لا أستطيع أن أكفر من يقول لا إله إلا الله إذا طاف على القبر)؟
الجواب: يا سبحان الله !! يقول لا إله إلا الله ويطوف على القبر وين لا إله إلا الله وش معنى لا إله إلا الله، لا إله إلا الله ما هي قول باللسان، قول باللسان واعتقاد بالقلب وعمل، لا بد أن يترك الشرك بجميع أنواعه وإلا فهو مشرك وإن كان يقول لا إله إلا الله، لأنه لم يصدق فيها، لا إله إلا الله ما هي مجرد كلمة تقال باللسان فقط. نعم
فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول ظهر أناس في هذا الزمان ممن يشار إليهم بالبنان يقولون إنهم لا يكفرون المشركين يقول: (أنا لا أستطيع أن أكفر من يقول لا إله إلا الله إذا طاف على القبر)؟
الجواب: يا سبحان الله !! يقول لا إله إلا الله ويطوف على القبر وين لا إله إلا الله وش معنى لا إله إلا الله، لا إله إلا الله ما هي قول باللسان، قول باللسان واعتقاد بالقلب وعمل، لا بد أن يترك الشرك بجميع أنواعه وإلا فهو مشرك وإن كان يقول لا إله إلا الله، لأنه لم يصدق فيها، لا إله إلا الله ما هي مجرد كلمة تقال باللسان فقط. نعم