Are Bani Hashim still present to this day?
If someone were to ask: Are they still present today? Meaning Bani Hashim and Bani-l-Muttalib?
We would answer: Yes, they are present. And indeed they have mentioned that the people with the most authentic lineage to Bani Hashim are the kings and Imams of Yemen who's kingdom came to an end with the revolution of the republicans against them not too long ago. They ruled Yemen for more than a thousand years and their lineage is well known. It is known that they are from Bani Hashim. And there are also many other people who ascribe themselves to Bani Hashim.
Hence whosoever says: "I'm from Bani Hashim." We say to him: "The Zakat is not permissible for you because you are from the family of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم."
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Sharh-ul-Mumti', page 257/6.
We would answer: Yes, they are present. And indeed they have mentioned that the people with the most authentic lineage to Bani Hashim are the kings and Imams of Yemen who's kingdom came to an end with the revolution of the republicans against them not too long ago. They ruled Yemen for more than a thousand years and their lineage is well known. It is known that they are from Bani Hashim. And there are also many other people who ascribe themselves to Bani Hashim.
Hence whosoever says: "I'm from Bani Hashim." We say to him: "The Zakat is not permissible for you because you are from the family of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم."
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-'Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Sharh-ul-Mumti', page 257/6.
قال الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين رحمه الله
" إذا قال قائل : هل هؤلاء موجودون ؟ أعني : بني هاشم ، والمطلب ؟
قلنا : نعم ، موجودون ، وقد ذكروا أن مِنْ أثبت الناس نسباً لبني هاشم : ملوك اليمن الأئمة ، الذين انتهى ملكهم بثورة الجمهوريين عليهم قريباً ، فهم منذ أكثر من ألف سنة متولون على اليمن ، ونسبهم مشهور ، معروف بأنهم من بني هاشم
ويوجد ناس كثيرون أيضاً ينتمون إلى بني هاشم ، فمن قال : أنا من بني هاشم : قلنا : لا تحل لك الزكاة ؛ لأنك من آل الرسول صلّى الله عليه وسلّم " انتهى
" الشرح الممتع " 6 / 257
" إذا قال قائل : هل هؤلاء موجودون ؟ أعني : بني هاشم ، والمطلب ؟
قلنا : نعم ، موجودون ، وقد ذكروا أن مِنْ أثبت الناس نسباً لبني هاشم : ملوك اليمن الأئمة ، الذين انتهى ملكهم بثورة الجمهوريين عليهم قريباً ، فهم منذ أكثر من ألف سنة متولون على اليمن ، ونسبهم مشهور ، معروف بأنهم من بني هاشم
ويوجد ناس كثيرون أيضاً ينتمون إلى بني هاشم ، فمن قال : أنا من بني هاشم : قلنا : لا تحل لك الزكاة ؛ لأنك من آل الرسول صلّى الله عليه وسلّم " انتهى
" الشرح الممتع " 6 / 257