Advice to the students of knowledge who have preoccupied themselves with takfīr or tabdī' and following up the mistakes of the people of knowledge
"May Allāh be good to you. What is your advice for the students of knowledge who have preoccupied themselves with takfīr (declaring a Muslim to be a disbeliever) or tabdī' (declaring a Muslim to be an innovator) and following up the mistakes of the Sunnī and Salafī scholars and du'āt (callers), and have thereby busied themselves away from knowledge, and they claim that they follow by that the way of Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān and other than him from the people of knowledge?"
"This is a fitnah (tribulation), and refuge is sought with Allāh! Busying oneself with the shortcomings of the people and driving the people away from the scholars, the students of knowledge and the callers (du'āt) to Allāh. This is a fitnah and therefore it is not permissible to act according to it, nor to follow those who practice it. What is obligatory is that the Muslims advice one another; "Ad-Dīn An-Nasīhah (The religion is sincere advice)". What is obligatory is to help one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwā (virtue, righteousness and piety). What is obligatory is to act upon the knowledge. And as for keeping ourselves busy with so and so and so and so, and drive people away; this is Ghībah (backbiting). And Ghībah is a major from the major sins, and it does not rectify anything; it separates and damages. The one from whom we see a mistake or a shortcoming; we advise him, either by writing to him or verbally. And as for us sitting down together and backbiting him, then that is harām (impermissible), and what results from it is the splitting of the Muslims and driving away the people from the students of knowledge. This act is therefore absolutely impermissible. And they have lied against us and against other than us by saying that this is the way of so and so. No. We warn against this; in our lectures and in our books, and in... We warn against this way. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
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"May Allāh be good to you. What is your advice for the students of knowledge who have preoccupied themselves with takfīr (declaring a Muslim to be a disbeliever) or tabdī' (declaring a Muslim to be an innovator) and following up the mistakes of the Sunnī and Salafī scholars and du'āt (callers), and have thereby busied themselves away from knowledge, and they claim that they follow by that the way of Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān and other than him from the people of knowledge?"
"This is a fitnah (tribulation), and refuge is sought with Allāh! Busying oneself with the shortcomings of the people and driving the people away from the scholars, the students of knowledge and the callers (du'āt) to Allāh. This is a fitnah and therefore it is not permissible to act according to it, nor to follow those who practice it. What is obligatory is that the Muslims advice one another; "Ad-Dīn An-Nasīhah (The religion is sincere advice)". What is obligatory is to help one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwā (virtue, righteousness and piety). What is obligatory is to act upon the knowledge. And as for keeping ourselves busy with so and so and so and so, and drive people away; this is Ghībah (backbiting). And Ghībah is a major from the major sins, and it does not rectify anything; it separates and damages. The one from whom we see a mistake or a shortcoming; we advise him, either by writing to him or verbally. And as for us sitting down together and backbiting him, then that is harām (impermissible), and what results from it is the splitting of the Muslims and driving away the people from the students of knowledge. This act is therefore absolutely impermissible. And they have lied against us and against other than us by saying that this is the way of so and so. No. We warn against this; in our lectures and in our books, and in... We warn against this way. Yes."
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
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السؤال: ما نصيحتكم لطلبة العلم الذين انشغلوا في التكفير أو التبديع وتتبع زلات العلماء والدعاة السنيين السلفيين وانشغلوا بذلك عن العلم، وهم يزعمون في ذلك أنهم يسيرون على طريقة الشيخ صالح الفوزان وغيره من أهل العلم؟
الجواب: هذه فتنه والعياذ بالله الانشغال بعيوب الناس والتنفير من العلماء ومن طلبة العلم ومن الدعاة إلى الله هذه فتنه، لا يجوز العمل بها، ولا متابعة من يعمل بها، الواجب التناصح بين المسلمين، الدين النصيحة، الواجب التعاون على البر والتقوى، الواجب العمل بالعلم، وأما أن ننشغل بفلان وفلان وعلان وننفر، هذه غيبة، والغيبة كبيرة من كبائر الذنوب ولا تصلح شيء، هذه تشتت وتفسد، من رأينا عليه خطأً أو نقصاً نناصحه إما بالكتابة له وإما بالمشافهة له وأما أننا نجلس ونغتابه، هذا حرام، ويترتب عليه تفريق المسلمين، وتنفير الناس عن طلبة العلم، ولا يجوز هذا العمل أبداً، وهم كذبوا علينا وعلى غيرنا يقولون هذه طريقة فلان، لا نحن نحذر من هذا في محاضرتنا وفي كتبنا نحذر من هذه الطريقة
الجواب: هذه فتنه والعياذ بالله الانشغال بعيوب الناس والتنفير من العلماء ومن طلبة العلم ومن الدعاة إلى الله هذه فتنه، لا يجوز العمل بها، ولا متابعة من يعمل بها، الواجب التناصح بين المسلمين، الدين النصيحة، الواجب التعاون على البر والتقوى، الواجب العمل بالعلم، وأما أن ننشغل بفلان وفلان وعلان وننفر، هذه غيبة، والغيبة كبيرة من كبائر الذنوب ولا تصلح شيء، هذه تشتت وتفسد، من رأينا عليه خطأً أو نقصاً نناصحه إما بالكتابة له وإما بالمشافهة له وأما أننا نجلس ونغتابه، هذا حرام، ويترتب عليه تفريق المسلمين، وتنفير الناس عن طلبة العلم، ولا يجوز هذا العمل أبداً، وهم كذبوا علينا وعلى غيرنا يقولون هذه طريقة فلان، لا نحن نحذر من هذا في محاضرتنا وفي كتبنا نحذر من هذه الطريقة