A few words regarding ISIS, An-Nusrah, Al-Qaeda and The Muslim Brotherhood
"Today there are those who call the Muslim youth and their common people to following newly imported methodologies, the methodologies of partisanship and to forming them into factions and groups, and they say that this is the correct path, such as joining the An-Nusrah Front, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and The Muslim Brotherhood. So what therefore is the advise of your eminence?"
"Oh my brothers! All the present newly invented groups today are astray. If you were to take a close examining look, you would find that they have no connection with Islam, rather they disguise under Islam for the sake of their ideologies and deviations, and in order to deceive the people. And (you would find) that they are upon misguidance. They have made killing lawful, violated the honor of the people, looted wealth, caused mischief on the earth and have stolen lands unlawfully.
All of these, my brothers, are false methodologies. Behind them is whosoever is behind them. There is no good in them. And we do not trust them, nor their people. And whosoever invites our youth to join these deviated sects has indeed erred and gone astray from the right way."
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
"Today there are those who call the Muslim youth and their common people to following newly imported methodologies, the methodologies of partisanship and to forming them into factions and groups, and they say that this is the correct path, such as joining the An-Nusrah Front, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and The Muslim Brotherhood. So what therefore is the advise of your eminence?"
"Oh my brothers! All the present newly invented groups today are astray. If you were to take a close examining look, you would find that they have no connection with Islam, rather they disguise under Islam for the sake of their ideologies and deviations, and in order to deceive the people. And (you would find) that they are upon misguidance. They have made killing lawful, violated the honor of the people, looted wealth, caused mischief on the earth and have stolen lands unlawfully.
All of these, my brothers, are false methodologies. Behind them is whosoever is behind them. There is no good in them. And we do not trust them, nor their people. And whosoever invites our youth to join these deviated sects has indeed erred and gone astray from the right way."
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
السؤال: هنالك اليوم من يدعوا شباب المسلمين وعامتهم إلى سلوك المناهج الوافدة ومناهج الحزبية وجعلهم في أحزاب وجماعات ويقول أن هذا هوالطريق الصحيح كالإنضمام إلى جبهةالنصرة وداعش وتنظيم القاعدة والإخوان المسلمين. فما توجيه سماحتكم؟
الجواب: يا إخواني جميع الفرق الحادثة اليوم كلها ضلال
إذا نظرت النظرة الفاحصة وجدت انها لا تمت الي الاسلام بصله، وأنما هم تقمصوا الاسلام لارائهم وأهوائهم وخداع الناس، وإنهم على ضلال، واستباحوا الدماء، انتهكوا الاعراض، نهبوا الأموال، أفسدوا في الارض، وسلبوا البلدان بلا حق، هذه كلها إخواني مناهج باطلة، ورائها من ورائها لا خير فيها، ولا نثق بها ولا بأهلها، ومن يدعو شبابنا الي الإنخراط مع هذه الفرق الضالة فقد اخطأ وضل سواء السبيل
الجواب: يا إخواني جميع الفرق الحادثة اليوم كلها ضلال
إذا نظرت النظرة الفاحصة وجدت انها لا تمت الي الاسلام بصله، وأنما هم تقمصوا الاسلام لارائهم وأهوائهم وخداع الناس، وإنهم على ضلال، واستباحوا الدماء، انتهكوا الاعراض، نهبوا الأموال، أفسدوا في الارض، وسلبوا البلدان بلا حق، هذه كلها إخواني مناهج باطلة، ورائها من ورائها لا خير فيها، ولا نثق بها ولا بأهلها، ومن يدعو شبابنا الي الإنخراط مع هذه الفرق الضالة فقد اخطأ وضل سواء السبيل