Missing the obligatory prayers in Ramadan due to oversleeping
"We have a bad habit going on here and it is that the people sleep from sunrise all the way until the adhan of 'Asr and some of them until just short before Maghrib. What is the Islamic ruling regarding this? May Allah reward you with good."
"It is obligatory upon them to get up and perform the prayer at its time, which is the Thuhr prayer. The prayer is greater than fasting. And the one who leaves off the prayer is considered a disbeliever, whereas the one who leaves off fasting a sinner and wrongdoer. But if he denies its obligation he disbelieves. Thus he has to get up at the time of Thuhr and pray, and if he did not get sufficient sleep then there is no harm if he sleeps after Thuhr. However, the sleep from sunrise until Thuhr is absolutely sufficient. And Allah's aid is sought."
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: www.muqbel.net
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
"We have a bad habit going on here and it is that the people sleep from sunrise all the way until the adhan of 'Asr and some of them until just short before Maghrib. What is the Islamic ruling regarding this? May Allah reward you with good."
"It is obligatory upon them to get up and perform the prayer at its time, which is the Thuhr prayer. The prayer is greater than fasting. And the one who leaves off the prayer is considered a disbeliever, whereas the one who leaves off fasting a sinner and wrongdoer. But if he denies its obligation he disbelieves. Thus he has to get up at the time of Thuhr and pray, and if he did not get sufficient sleep then there is no harm if he sleeps after Thuhr. However, the sleep from sunrise until Thuhr is absolutely sufficient. And Allah's aid is sought."
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee al-Waadi'ee, may Allah have mercy upon him
Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on Salafi-Dawah.com.
Source: www.muqbel.net
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.
السؤال: عندنا عادة وهي أنهم ينامون نهار رمضان من بعد الشروق إلى أذان العصر وبعضهم إلى قبيل المغرب فما حكم الشرع في ذلك وجزاكم الله خيرا؟
الجواب: الواجب عليهم أن يقوموا ويؤدوا الصلاة في وقتها وهي صلاة الظهر ، والصلاة هي أعظم من الصوم ، فالصلاة تاركها يعتبر كافراً ، والصوم يعتبر فاسقاً آثماً إلا إذا كان جاحداً فإنه يكفر ، فالواجب أن يقوم لوقت الظهر ويصلي ، وإذا لم يأخذ كفايته من النوم لا باس أن ينام بعد الظهر ، على أن من بعد طلوع الشمس إلى الظهر هو نوم كافٍ . والله المستعان
الجواب: الواجب عليهم أن يقوموا ويؤدوا الصلاة في وقتها وهي صلاة الظهر ، والصلاة هي أعظم من الصوم ، فالصلاة تاركها يعتبر كافراً ، والصوم يعتبر فاسقاً آثماً إلا إذا كان جاحداً فإنه يكفر ، فالواجب أن يقوم لوقت الظهر ويصلي ، وإذا لم يأخذ كفايته من النوم لا باس أن ينام بعد الظهر ، على أن من بعد طلوع الشمس إلى الظهر هو نوم كافٍ . والله المستعان