Are the graveworshippers disbelievers even before the establishment of the proof?
Here... when the proof has not been established yet; are the graveworshippers to be declared disbelievers, or not? The answer (to the question) is: Yes! Upon whomsoever (major) Shirk is manifest (apparent), then he is a mushrik. The person upon whom major Shirk is manifest is a Mushrik (polytheist). The establishment of the proof is only a condition for the carrying out of the obligatory (legal) punishment.
The same way that we call the Jews and the Christians disbelievers. They are disbelievers. Even if they have never heard about the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, at all. Similarly the idolworshippers, graveworshippers and the like of that, upon whomsoever (major) Shirk is manifest then he is a mushrik and the rulings of the people of Shirk in this world (dunya) are to be imposed on him.
But if the proof has not yet been established on him, then he does not necessarily have to enter the Fire if he dies. However, his affair is pending until the proof has been established upon him in front of Allah the Majestic and Exalted (in the Hereafter). Thus there is a difference between our condition for establishing the proof and withholding from the ruling with shirk.
He upon whom major Shirk is manifest is a mushrik and the consequences of that in this worldly life (dunya) are to be imposed on him; he is not to be sought forgiveness for, we do not eat from what he has slaughtered (animals), he is not to be slaughtered for (sadaqah) and other rulings than that.
As for judging him with both apparent (external) and hidden (internal) disbelief; then that is postponed up until the proof has been established upon him. And if the proof has not been established upon him yet, then his affair lies with Allah the Majestic and Exalted. This is the research of the words of the people of knowledge regarding this topic, and it is a well known and complex topic, known as the topic of ‘the excuse for ignorance’.
Shaykh Saalih bin 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
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The same way that we call the Jews and the Christians disbelievers. They are disbelievers. Even if they have never heard about the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, at all. Similarly the idolworshippers, graveworshippers and the like of that, upon whomsoever (major) Shirk is manifest then he is a mushrik and the rulings of the people of Shirk in this world (dunya) are to be imposed on him.
But if the proof has not yet been established on him, then he does not necessarily have to enter the Fire if he dies. However, his affair is pending until the proof has been established upon him in front of Allah the Majestic and Exalted (in the Hereafter). Thus there is a difference between our condition for establishing the proof and withholding from the ruling with shirk.
He upon whom major Shirk is manifest is a mushrik and the consequences of that in this worldly life (dunya) are to be imposed on him; he is not to be sought forgiveness for, we do not eat from what he has slaughtered (animals), he is not to be slaughtered for (sadaqah) and other rulings than that.
As for judging him with both apparent (external) and hidden (internal) disbelief; then that is postponed up until the proof has been established upon him. And if the proof has not been established upon him yet, then his affair lies with Allah the Majestic and Exalted. This is the research of the words of the people of knowledge regarding this topic, and it is a well known and complex topic, known as the topic of ‘the excuse for ignorance’.
Shaykh Saalih bin 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh, may Allah preserve him
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هنا إذا لم تقم الحجة هل يكفر عبدة القبور أم لا؟ الجواب نعم، من قام به الشرك فهو مشرك الشرك الأكبر من قام به فهو مشرك، وإنما إقامة الحجة شرط في وجوب الأداء، كما أن اليهود والنصارى نسميهم كفار، هم كفار ولو لم يسمعوا بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أصلا، كذلك أهل الأوثان والقبور ونحو ذلك من قام به الشرك فهو مشرك، وترتَّب عليه أحكام المشركين في الدنيا، أما إذا كان لم تقم عليه الحجة فهو ليس مقطوعا له بالنار إذا مات، وإنما موقوف أمره حتى تقام عليه الحجة بين يدي الله جل وعلا
فإذن فرق بين شرطنا لإقامة الحجة، وبين الامتناع من الحكم بالشرك، من قام به الشرك الأكبر فهو مشرك ترتب عليه آثار ذلك الدنيوية، أنه لا يستغفر له ولا تؤكل ذبيحته ولا يضحى له ونحو ذلك من الأحكام، وأما الحكم عليه بالكفر الظاهر والباطن فهذا موقوف حتى تقام عليه الحجة، فإن لم تقم عليه الحجة فأمره إلى الله جل وعلا. هذا تحقيق كلام أهل العلم في هذه المسألة. وهي مسألة مشهورة ودقيقة موسومة بمسألة العذر بالجهل. شرح مسائل الجاهلية الشريط الرابع
فإذن فرق بين شرطنا لإقامة الحجة، وبين الامتناع من الحكم بالشرك، من قام به الشرك الأكبر فهو مشرك ترتب عليه آثار ذلك الدنيوية، أنه لا يستغفر له ولا تؤكل ذبيحته ولا يضحى له ونحو ذلك من الأحكام، وأما الحكم عليه بالكفر الظاهر والباطن فهذا موقوف حتى تقام عليه الحجة، فإن لم تقم عليه الحجة فأمره إلى الله جل وعلا. هذا تحقيق كلام أهل العلم في هذه المسألة. وهي مسألة مشهورة ودقيقة موسومة بمسألة العذر بالجهل. شرح مسائل الجاهلية الشريط الرابع